Sembra che se ami una persona la tua vita di coppia dovrebbe essere felice in quanto amare significherebbe anche capire la tua dolce metà. Ma funziona davvero così? Se si amano i partner, significa anche che si capiscono? La triste verità è che non molti di noi capiscono il/la partner a fondo. Per scoprire come capire il proprio partner e superare le crisi di coppia, visita: problemi di coppia
Se fosse davvero così, i problemi di coppia non ci sarebbero e la percentuale di separazioni e divorzi sarebbe diminuita con il tempo in maniera considerevole invece di aumentare. In questo caso potresti anche chiederti: ma se non capisco il partner, how is it that we are in fact good partners? Why are we happy when we are together? E. .. why are we together?
But what does it mean to understand your partner? This is also a question that is difficult to answer. In fact, knowing what he likes and what he does not like does not mean to understand the person you love. Understanding it means to know the values, life goals and priorities of a person. Understanding means that person is the impact on the occurrence of certain events. Understand meaning to our being able to predict the reaction will be your partner in a crucial moment. You are then able to do what exactly?
To solve the problems Couple and marriage crisis and be a happy couple again, click on:
beginning of a relationship, we all talk about the good things of life. Our focus is more centered to please our partner. Our focus is to have more pleasure when we are in his company but never think what are the levers subtle psychological motivation in those moments. And after that the report develops a bit 'more, we are often puzzled by some of the reactions of the partner and vice versa. We come in so sharply aware of one side of his character that we did not know. If it is something light and easy to accept it soon forget it but it can also happen that these behaviors are beginning to open cracks in the stability of the relationship.
The problem that creates problems and leads to the separation of couples is that unfortunately a few partners are totally honest about what are their thoughts, their desires and their deepest fears. If either one is afraid that others might leave it one day, because he has doubts about his loyalty to long-term partner that will tell the other about his fears?
These hidden thoughts create a wall between the partners that can never be crossed. And few are able to break this wall. But once you do this and tell the person you love everything about you him / herself on all of your thoughts and know / partner of the same, then the relationship will become stronger. Unfortunately, because this kind of reports are quite rare nowadays. So why not if it means going against the happiness of the couple?
To find out how to have a happy marriage and a satisfying life as a couple, visit: married life
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