human wall to prevent passage tanks and soldiers watching from their balconies with their arms crossed because their commanders did not give the order to attack the mass.
will be possible in Cuba such a scenario?
It 's the question many are asking and Cuban exiles since the Egyptian revolution was successful. As always happens
the answers are both rational and emotional, and coincide in a single uncertainty with the people you never know.
The Egyptian situation is not comparable with that of Cuba, both culturally and socially, even if you can find common details, you can not carry the factors leading to a revolution in one country to another.
Among other things, this is demonstrated since Che Guevara tried to export the Cuban revolution, first in the Congo and then Bolivia.
There is also to be observed that the time in the near future will be tough on the island, half a million government employees on the street, rising prices and food shortages, could act as a combustible for a popular uprising.
currently on the island despite Facebook and Twitter are allowed, the internet connections are few and expensive, also notices in the same city from one neighborhood to another are rare. It 'also true that in 1984 during the uprising known as "el maleconazo" there was no internet nor social networks, but the popular participation is also transmitted.
Cuba has its own dynamic, as demonstrated after the collapse of the Soviet bloc, which discourages a popular uprising.
Surely now the government is not afraid of this possibility, as shown by the media coverage is given to the Egyptian Revolution, pointing out that Mubarak's regime was in the service of imperialism American. The victory of the Egyptian people is more comparable to the victory of the revolution against Batista, not the current political situation of the island.
addition, the Government is implementing measures to be economic, with the opening to small and medium-sized businesses and professional and social, with the imminent release of remaining political prisoners still being held, thus aiming at a new perspective to real exchange the Cuban population.
will be possible in Cuba such a scenario?
It 's the question many are asking and Cuban exiles since the Egyptian revolution was successful. As always happens
the answers are both rational and emotional, and coincide in a single uncertainty with the people you never know.
The Egyptian situation is not comparable with that of Cuba, both culturally and socially, even if you can find common details, you can not carry the factors leading to a revolution in one country to another.
Among other things, this is demonstrated since Che Guevara tried to export the Cuban revolution, first in the Congo and then Bolivia.
There is also to be observed that the time in the near future will be tough on the island, half a million government employees on the street, rising prices and food shortages, could act as a combustible for a popular uprising.
currently on the island despite Facebook and Twitter are allowed, the internet connections are few and expensive, also notices in the same city from one neighborhood to another are rare. It 'also true that in 1984 during the uprising known as "el maleconazo" there was no internet nor social networks, but the popular participation is also transmitted.
Cuba has its own dynamic, as demonstrated after the collapse of the Soviet bloc, which discourages a popular uprising.
Surely now the government is not afraid of this possibility, as shown by the media coverage is given to the Egyptian Revolution, pointing out that Mubarak's regime was in the service of imperialism American. The victory of the Egyptian people is more comparable to the victory of the revolution against Batista, not the current political situation of the island.
addition, the Government is implementing measures to be economic, with the opening to small and medium-sized businesses and professional and social, with the imminent release of remaining political prisoners still being held, thus aiming at a new perspective to real exchange the Cuban population.
source Libertad Sindical

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