I dissidenti politici oggi ancora in carcere sono circa un centinaio. Bisogna dire però che molti di questi sono accusati di reati comuni, come lo spionaggio, non di coscienza.
Del gruppo dei 75 (del 2003) ne restano in carcere meno di una decina. Recentemente molti sono stati liberati, alcuni mandati in esilio in Spagna, altri continuano a risiedere sull'isola, come Guillermo Farinas ad esempio, che seppur controllato molto rigidamente si è riufiutato di abbandonare Cuba, Farinas awarded the Sakharov Prize on 15 December, was not allowed to pick up the award. As he
other dissidents have chosen to continue the struggle towards a return to the top of the Government, the release of all political dissidents, the total respect of human rights, remaining on the island and facing the threats that come not only from the Security State but also by ordinary citizens against the demands of the dissidents, who are considered by many mercenaries in the pay of the U.S..
there was a rally in Cuba to commemorate the death of Orlando Zapata, although some activists and other dissidents were detained obligated not to leave their homes, a large group of people gathered to commemorate the death of Orlando Zapata.
reforms that Raul seems have started a few months, should be targeted to an openness not only economic but also political dissident voices to those seeking solutions to problems that continue to persist on the island and that if not resolved to bring social and economic chasm dellla more West Indies.
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