is not an alternative to the problems of Cuba!
For my part I have always supported a popular awakening to the demands targeted more than justified to change those injustices in Cuba today continue to keep the people in economic and social condition that fails to meet the most basic needs of survival. Human Rights, the dual monetary insufficient wages, lack of movement, freedom of expression, etc.. are real problems that need quick action by the Cuban government.
must also say that recently the release of nearly all political prisoners, in prison there are only 9 and the privatization of 178 new licenses for small and medium-sized businesses and professional, are a tangible sign that the government is slowly adopting some measures aimed at changing economic and social development to help a private island economy.
course much remains to be done, especially regarding freedom of expression, to political pluralism, but I do not think that a sudden and drastic change at the head of government can serve a positive new management of the country.
In short overnight break down the government certainly would not help the Cubans, especially those that are economically and culturally more vulnerable. The result of such an eventuality would only benefit the right-wing Cuban-American heir pre quel'ideologia rivoluzioniaria when Batista ran brothels Americans and supported the mafia world on Cuban soil. A sudden change
preface to U.S. corporations to invade Cuba economically and, as has already happened in the former USSR, would transform the island into a new American state in the hands of the Cuban mafia in Miami and beyond. It 'easy to predict what would be the economic and social development on the island, take a look at those countries in the same area where U.S. hegemony had over the years.
It is disappointing that almost all Cubans or Cuban blogger abroad do not raise the slightest possibility that this happens, not even even want to consider. No way ever, she obstinately continues to condemn the regime, to demand democracy, economic reform, a "sui generis capitalism" (but what?)
not in any way raises the possibility that overturning the regime suddenly would be most likely a low budget reality and socially worse than at present.
Delete those state guarantees that, even if not sufficient, it now allows survival of decent people, I refer to a minimum supply of food, health care and free schools, would only plunge the majority of citizens Cubans in a hell that would not be able to address.
Si materializzerebbero così anche a Cuba famiglie per strade senza cibo, gruppi di delinquenza organizzata o improvvisata, cha lascerebbero la strada libera a quelle persone più forti e violente. Si instaurerebbe ancora una volta una enorme differenza sociale tra i pochi ricchi (che arriverebbero da Miami con valige di dollari sporchi) e la maggioranza di poveri che sarebbero così abbandonati a se stessi.
Le analogie con l'Egitto inoltre non sono poi così marcate. A Cuba ideologicamente una gran parte dei cittadini sono fedeli ad un socialismo che sino ad oggi li ha salvati dalle assurdità e violenze statunitensi che hanno distrutto gran parte del centro e sudamerica. Criticano, magari sottovoce, quello che il regime non riesce a risolvere, but do not call for an invasion of some powerful rich West they would find in Cuba a virgin territory where once again exploit the blood of the people and a nation that would only enrich even more the usual suspects and they forgot the people and totally its basic needs.
also not forget that in Egypt, Mubarak has always been supported by the U.S. and the EU, financed and always pampered, knowing his desire to keep a people subjugated for his personal business interests. In Cuba you can tell a lot about Fidel, but certainly not one of his personal enrichment, in fact, despite an embargo that has lasted for fifty years in Cuba do not die of hunger.
In conclusion I do not support the will of those who want at all costs to bring down the government of the island. I want the Government can happen new personalities that are able to dialogue with the opposition movements, who want to change those anachronistic absurdity that block an economic and social development on the island, making it possible that Cuba may be transformed with the times resulting in a alternate reality is a common that there is already more (see China), but especially to that model-liberal capitalist West is proving that he had also failed permanently in the USA and Europe.
Change yes, but for a new model, yet to be drawn that can not only make it more livable the Cuban reality, but it is also an example that the Western world now dead and buried, where many families are not super rich and powerful in handling and managing millions of people giving an illusion of freedom made of bright lights, smoke, and useless materials.
Rob Ferranti
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