In this new economic vision will require the State to tax private activities which will be calculated based on earnings of individual activities: those who earn more pay more.
How will expand the private work? What activities are legalized? What are the prohibitions? How do you organize and control? What taxes will pay?
the Government will respond to these questions with the aim of making them operational by October 2010. Among the 178
activities legalized, can count to 83 workers who are not necessarily part of the family of the owner of the asset.
These new activities may also access the Cubans have PRE (permit of residence abroad) and those who live in Cuba to leave the country for more than three months.
addition to support these new private companies are granted the chance to rent apartments, houses and rooms for your exercises. E 'for those who reside abroad can also apply for a license that can be given in a third-party management residents in Cuba
the new licensing regulations provide that a private individual citizen can handle more than one activity, both in its hall of residence in any area of \u200b\u200bthe country, as well as activities may be conducted in the home as in other space rented for that purpose.
At this moment we are studying measures that will be financed by the Banco Central de Cuba to start their own private business.
1. tuner and repairer of musical instruments
2. Seller Water
3. Albañil (?)
4. rent animals
5. rental of clothing
6. amolador (?)
7. animator parties, clown or magician
8. arriero (?)
9. craftsman
10. aserrador (?)
11. childcare for nursery assistant
12. barber
13. riaprazioni textile
14. boyero or Carretero (?)
15. camtero (?)
16. mason
17. carretillero (?)
18. Cerrajeria (?)
19. chapistero de bienes muebles (?)
20. Cobrador, Pagador
21. carriage service for children
22. purchase and sale of records
23. buying and selling of used books
24. manufacturer and seller of antennas for radio and television
25. manufacturer and seller of contents Wicker
26. domestic animal breeding
27. implementation of crystals
28. animal care
29. care of public toilets
30. assistance to sick, disabled and elderly
31. care of parks
leather cutter 33.
decorator 34. desmochador (?) palm
35. vednitore food and beverage service with gourmet (paladares). Managing the activities in the home using tables, chairs and benches covered with fine at 20.
36. seller of food and drinks (non alcoholic) home
37. seller of food and drinks (non alcoholic) in detail, at home or in a walking
38. seller of food and drinks (non alcoholic) retail sales at a fixed location (cafeteria)
39. Seller of coal
40. wine seller
41. vendors and yokes soghe
42. electrician
43. electrician railcars
44. management and cleaning of homes
45. pager books
46. manufacturer of coils, motors and other equipment
47. animal trainer
48. producer and marketer of flowers and wreaths
49. forrador (?)
of buttons 50. photographer
51. greasing and cleaning of cars
52. Travel operator
53. record items, and encrypt
54. blacksmith and manufacturer, seller of horseshoes
55. tinsmith
56. driving instructor
57. sports instructors (except arts Martial)
gardener 59. laundry
60. Wood Cleaner
61. Shoe Cleaner
62. cleaner and candle testator
63. cleaner and repairer of mass
64. manicure
65. makeup
66. masseur
67. masillero (?)
68. mechanical refrigerators
69. mechanized
70. Messenger
71. designer or tailor
72. Molinero (?)
73. audio operator
74. operator of air compressors, pneumatic tires and
75. operator of recreational child
76. parking of cars, cycles and motorcycles
78. hairdresser pet
79. domestic staff
80. car painter
81. pittore di moblili
82. pittore di case
83. pittore rotulista (?)
84. piscicultor (?)
85. plastificatore
86. plomero (?)
87. pocero (?)
88. produttore e venditore di articoli vari per casa
89. produttore e venditore di articoli di gomma
90. produttore e venditore di ceramica
91. produttore e venditore di ceramica e altri articoli per costruzioni
92. produttore e venditore di articoli religiosi (eccetto pezzi di valore patrimoniale) e venditore di animali a fine religioso
93. alfarería.
94. produttore e venditore di equipaggiamento per cavalli
95. produttore e venditore di scarpe
96. produttore e venditore di scope e simili
97. produttore e venditore di intonaco
98. produttore e venditore di fiori e piante
99. produttore e venditore di oggetti per compleanni
100.professore di erbe per alimenti e medicinali
101.professore di musica e arte
102.professore di lingue
103.programmatore di computer
104.pulitore di metalli
105.raccoglitore e venditore di risorse naturali
106.raccoglitore e venditore di materie prime
108.riparatore di articoli di pelle
109.riparatore di articoli di gioielleria
110.riparatore di articoli di per camere da letto
111.riparatore di articoli di batterie per auto
112.riparatore di articoli di biciclette
113.riparatore di articoli di bigiotteria
114.riparatore articles of fences and roads
115.riparatore articles kitchens
116.riparatore articles mattresses
117.riparatore articles enseres menores (?)
118.riparatore of items of workshop equipment
119. repair of electrical and electronic equipment
120.riparatore of items of mechanical equipment and combustion
121.riparatore articles glasses
122.riparatore articles sewing machines
123.riparatore articles of saddles and harness
124 . repairer of umbrellas
125.riparatore articles and filler lighters
126.lezioni private schools (except for teachers in active)
127.restauratore of puppets and other games
128. restorer of works of art
129.portiere buildings
131.talabaltero (?)
132.tapicero (?)
133.techador (?)
134.Tenedor de libros (If exceptúan los técnicos y contadores medios en contabilidad with vínculo laboral en la especialidad) (?)
137.tostador (?)
138.lavoratore agricultural
140.trasquilador (?)
141.trillador (? )
142.venditore of agricultural products in stores or kiosks
144.lavoratore independent (business account)
145.porietari of homes or living spaces (?)
146.venditore food e bibite specifiche cinesi
147.serivzio di carrozze turistiche
148.contrattore privato (?)
149.habaneras (?)
151.artista di danza folclorica
152.guppo musicale "los mambies" (?)
154.venditore di fiori artificiali
155.pittore di strada
156.dandy (?)
157.parrucchiere pettinatore di trecce
158.pulitore di frutta
159.duo du danza "amores" (?)
160.copiia di ballo "benny morè" (?)
161.esibizione di cani ammaestrati
162.duo musicale "los amigos" (?)
164.parrucche tradizionali
165.trasporto con caminon
166.trasporto con camioncini
167.trasporto with paneles (?)
169.trasporto bus minibus car with
171.trasporto means rail
172.trasporto jeep
173.trasporto with boats for passengers
174. transport with tricycle bike
176.trazione with cart
177.trazione by carriage with
178.trazione cycle
source Granma
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