In those countries where democracy is a social reality for decades, often do not notice the difference with other countries where instead of a single party is in power.
Let me explain, I want to compare my own country, in the sense that I was born here, Italy and Cuba in several aspects: democracy, the conflict between the government and opposition, freedom, corruption, repression, the social landscape, health and schools.
1. Democracy in Italy is purely illusory. Since after the war, the Christian Democrats, as opposed to the Communist Party and the Social Movement, ruled for several decades, almost always political alliances with other parties, but always in the center. The opposition, with the PCI and the MSI, did their part, waiting and hoping to get a day at the seats of power, but not that much after all.
Since then, the people, apart from putting a signature on a card, never had control neither of the persons elected to represent them in the rooms, nor the power to dissolve a government directly if he did not well. These powers have always been the same parties, with mechanical and secret strategies and unknown to the people.
All this in a crescendo of divisions among the parties themselves, government and opposition, enforcement powers, economic management, favoritism and political games, in which the needs of citizens almost never, to be magnanimous, were present.
For 50 years this practice in the management of power is magnified and then exploded like a pimple stinking up the famous "Tangentopoli", the "discovery" that political power was rotten and corrupt in every aspect. Craxi, the Socialist prime minister at the time he fled abroad, where he died in exile, served as a scapegoat for a system that has continued to thrive until today.
There was talk of a total cleansing of the political system, the end of the "first republic".
Thus began the "second republic", Berlusconi appeared on the Italian scene, with the false promise of bringing a new air in the palaces of power, but with the true intention of managing the country as its companies, based on the same system, modernized in ways that demanded change: the cronyism, corruption, the purchase of political consensus to handle the unique power to his economic interest.
Since then it has almost always been in power, except for a couple of center-left governments even more pathetic, if possible, the stesso Berlusconi.
Ora, tornando alla pluralità politica, alle libere elezioni, il connubio tra mafia e politica dal dopo guerra ad oggi si è consolidato sempre più. Oggi i rappresentanti dei cittadini sono eletti con una legge elettorale scandalosa, supportata dall'acquisto dei voti per soldi o favori. Nelle province del Sud si può comprare un voto con meno di 50€, ma anche al Nord, magari ad un prezzo più alto, i voti in cambio di favoritismi sono alla base dell'elezione di questo o quel sindaco o assessore.
Questo per continuare a foraggiare le mafie che sono oggi il vero motore economico italiano. Se la mafia fosse realmente sconfitta e scomparisse all'improvviso, l'Italia subirebbe un crollo economico unprecedented. All economic activities are more or less subtly and secretly run by white gangs. That is, large companies that operate legally in the markets with the money of mafia activities themselves.
In this sense, democracy is a word devoid of meaning. The elections are an illusion. The plurality makes no sense. The reality is that, oi, ruling parties agree and act in complete independence, without which the people least likely to influence their decisions.
's why I do not see any real difference with Cuba, with the government of a single party. In fact, I find much more consistent decisions made by a government that unilaterally leggifera and manages il potere socio-economico del paese che guida.
2. Visto la falsità della democrazia, va da sè che non esiste una contrapposizione tra governo e opposizioni. Esistono interessi politici ed economici differenti, ma con lo stesso obiettivo, mantenere il potere per scopi e interessi personali autogestiti, nell'indifferenza verso le esigenze concrete dei cittadini e del paese che governano.
Anche quì è più coerente un partito unico, che almeno non pretende giustificare falsamente le proprie decisioni.
3. La libertà intesa come possibilità di entrare e uscire dal paese, potersi esprimere liberamente, avere un'attività propria, è forse la sola differenza reale con Cuba, ma anche here is a diversion, a chocolate given to the people. No effect in the management of the government and its laws.
4. He screams as the widespread corruption in the ranks of power in Cuba. And in Italy? corruption is not only widespread, but is now an operational mode of the politicians that make it seem a way of "para-legal" to continue in the management of his interests.
The shocking reality today in Italy of buying and selling of MPs, which Mr Berlusconi apply without the slightest shame, shows that it is very common. The economic power of an individual entrepreneur as Berlusconi buys political consensus, thus creating a government that has the numbers to continue to leggiferare a suo unico vantaggio.
A Cuba perlomeno, nonostante la corruzione sia presente in modo diffuso, non viene accettata come normalità, come prassi politica, come modo di gestione economica e sociale del paese. Anzi viene condannata e punita in modo severo.
5. La repressione in Italia non è molto differente da quella cubana. E' sì più velata, ma è forse anche più violenta. In carcere quì si muore molto più che a Cuba, e nell'indifferenza generale. Anche per chi ha commesso reati futili la sopravvivenza in prigione è una lotta quotidiana. Le carceri sono fatiscenti, la violenza della polizia all'interno dei penitenziari è terribile, ma soprattutto è nascosta, non viene quasi mai denunciata.
The clampdown on "dissidents" on the street is experiencing more and more violent.
one example, during the G8 summit in Genoa in July 2001 , police violence towards the students who challenged the world have become the great result at the international level. Today none of those responsible for these acts was punished.
In Cuba, I do not know if you reach this level of criminal prosecution ...
6. The social landscape, understood as the economic well-being, it is now sad and illusory. In Italy there are more and more people who survive on miserable wages, on the edge of survival. As the circles of power in a huge round, creating a gap sociale sempre più marcato tra classe media, che si avvicina sempre più alla povertà, e classe alta con un potere mafioso che è ormai a capo di ogni attività economica "legale" e che quindi condiziona i vertici del potere e la "democrazia" stessa.
Cuba sta cercando di sviluppare un'aconomia interna che, almeno teoricamente, non si prefigge di liberalizzare in modo selvaggio le attività private, evitando così di creare quelle differenze sociali che fanno arrichire sempre chi i soldi li ha già, relegando così a comparse falsamente libere il resto dei cittadini-imprenditori.
7. Sanità e scuole. La prima in Italia è teoricamente estesa ad ogni cittadino, non si muore come negli USA diseases of stupid if you do not have the money to seek treatment. But it is also true that today's bad health, poor preparation of many physicians, public health funding fewer and fewer are undermining even this social guarantee.
Not to mention the schools, always with the excuse of the crisis, funding for public schools are almost disappearing. Universities are prohibitively expensive for many citizens. The primary schools are a waste of embarrassing. Ignorance of the students is becoming increasingly widespread and the preparation of teachers is largely insufficient. Here too, education is increasingly becoming a privilege for those wealthy that they can pay a private school and that it may continue to create generations of young people in their own image and likeness.
In Cuba, health care and schooling are, despite the economic difficulties they must endure, undeniable reality available to all citizens.
In conclusion all the difference between a country "free and democratic Italy and as a" totalitarian "as Cuba does not exist. There are different problems, but we are getting closer and closer.
A real difference is undeniable. Italy, like most Western countries, is experiencing a socio-economic decline more severe. The democratic-liberal model has failed. The debts are stifling the national population, the future can only get worse. In three words "time is over." The hedonism, superficiality have finished their story, no going back, the crisis rientrarà ever!
In Cuba, on the contrary, there are the social bases to create a real alternative to that model failed to Europe and the U.S., is slowing down the economies of all countries that control must be "democratic" of banks and international lobbies .
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