Not me! Indeed I am deeply socialist, more pragmatic in the sense of the term and profound:
by Wikipedia
The socialism is a comprehensive set of ideologies and political orientations, movements and doctrines which tend to a transformation of society in the direction of ' equality of all citizens in economic and social as well as legal. It can be defined as an economy that reflects the meaning of "social", who thinks the whole population. Originally all matrix socialist doctrines and movements aimed at achieving these objectives by overcoming social classes and the abolition of all or part of private ownership of means of production and exchange ...
I fully recognize in this definition, even when it is said "total or partial cancellation of private property" , I think in fact that not all production activities should be deregulated (as the contrary is also trying to do in Italy) some, such as water, sanitation, schools, transport, roads, energy, infrastructure, buildings, popular, etc ... shall be and remain under the supervision of a responsible and conscious state.
also eliminates any interference in an uncompromising lobbies and multinational operating in the name of economic liberalism in an indiscriminate way in any country in the world.
I think every country should have in order to produce and develop indigenous production activities consistent with their traditions and specific social and cultural rights. So I think you should likewise increase and develop small and medium-sized private businesses with local characteristics of the area. I am totally opposed to export instead of a common economic model (absolute dogma corporate criminals).
So I'm reviewing and analyzing ertain positions on the Cuban government.
Without a doubt there are some fundamental things that must change: no more
of conscience and political dissidents in jail, freedom of speech and expression, democracy and parties that govern many voices alternating, human rights, monetary unity, freedom movement in and out of the country, restructuring and upgrading of infrastructure, increased productivity, internal freedom to small and medium private enterprises, increased development of domestic economy, economic exchange with foreign countries without allowing interference by multinationals (whether U.S. , Canadian, European, Russian or Chinese). For this
motivo sono più critico nei confronti di quei cubani dentro o fuori dell'isola così come di quegli stranieri che con intransigenza chiedono la fine del regime di Fidel, senza affrontare concretamente un possibile scenario futuro.
Sono ancor più contrario verso quei cubano-americani della destra repubblicana che sono solamente contro ad oltranza, enfatizzando alcune pagliuzze e non volendo vedere i tronchi che hanno sotto la propria casa.
Così come non condivido le idee di alcuni italiani, paese da dove scrivo, che ancor peggio sono schierati con il nano malefico di Berlusconi che sta portando alla deriva economica e sociale questo paese, che sta assumendo connotati sempre più simili se non peggiori a quella Cuba che tanto criticano, senza propose any concrete ideas.
's time to tackle the real problems in Cuba, without too many ideological factions, but analyzing and trying to push real change for people who love those problems that Cuba is well aware. It is not about being for or against Fidel, but to analyze the problems with accountability, without wishing to subvert the government, but instead looking for a dialogue to solve them.
Ultimately, the best of Cuba today that a new U.S. state tomorrow, or worse still to be shaped by the western capitalist model that is destroying not only the countries of the so-called "first world" but the entire planet!
Rob Ferranti
by Wikipedia
The socialism is a comprehensive set of ideologies and political orientations, movements and doctrines which tend to a transformation of society in the direction of ' equality of all citizens in economic and social as well as legal. It can be defined as an economy that reflects the meaning of "social", who thinks the whole population. Originally all matrix socialist doctrines and movements aimed at achieving these objectives by overcoming social classes and the abolition of all or part of private ownership of means of production and exchange ...
I fully recognize in this definition, even when it is said "total or partial cancellation of private property" , I think in fact that not all production activities should be deregulated (as the contrary is also trying to do in Italy) some, such as water, sanitation, schools, transport, roads, energy, infrastructure, buildings, popular, etc ... shall be and remain under the supervision of a responsible and conscious state.
also eliminates any interference in an uncompromising lobbies and multinational operating in the name of economic liberalism in an indiscriminate way in any country in the world.
I think every country should have in order to produce and develop indigenous production activities consistent with their traditions and specific social and cultural rights. So I think you should likewise increase and develop small and medium-sized private businesses with local characteristics of the area. I am totally opposed to export instead of a common economic model (absolute dogma corporate criminals).
So I'm reviewing and analyzing ertain positions on the Cuban government.
Without a doubt there are some fundamental things that must change: no more
of conscience and political dissidents in jail, freedom of speech and expression, democracy and parties that govern many voices alternating, human rights, monetary unity, freedom movement in and out of the country, restructuring and upgrading of infrastructure, increased productivity, internal freedom to small and medium private enterprises, increased development of domestic economy, economic exchange with foreign countries without allowing interference by multinationals (whether U.S. , Canadian, European, Russian or Chinese). For this
motivo sono più critico nei confronti di quei cubani dentro o fuori dell'isola così come di quegli stranieri che con intransigenza chiedono la fine del regime di Fidel, senza affrontare concretamente un possibile scenario futuro.
Sono ancor più contrario verso quei cubano-americani della destra repubblicana che sono solamente contro ad oltranza, enfatizzando alcune pagliuzze e non volendo vedere i tronchi che hanno sotto la propria casa.
Così come non condivido le idee di alcuni italiani, paese da dove scrivo, che ancor peggio sono schierati con il nano malefico di Berlusconi che sta portando alla deriva economica e sociale questo paese, che sta assumendo connotati sempre più simili se non peggiori a quella Cuba che tanto criticano, senza propose any concrete ideas.
's time to tackle the real problems in Cuba, without too many ideological factions, but analyzing and trying to push real change for people who love those problems that Cuba is well aware. It is not about being for or against Fidel, but to analyze the problems with accountability, without wishing to subvert the government, but instead looking for a dialogue to solve them.
Ultimately, the best of Cuba today that a new U.S. state tomorrow, or worse still to be shaped by the western capitalist model that is destroying not only the countries of the so-called "first world" but the entire planet!
Rob Ferranti
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