On February 2nd I was going home with Caridad Caballero Batista in Holguin is because a family friend and last days non ho potuto visitarla, primo perchè casa sua è sottoposta ad una restrizione di visite da parte di chiunque, secondo perchè sono io a non poter uscire dal mio comune.
A pochi metri dalla casa sono stato fermato da una pattuglia della polizia che mi ha condotto alla stazione dello stesso quartiere nel quale mi trovavo. Senza darmi spiegazioni mi hanno tenuto mezz'ora seduto e dopo mi hanno portato in un posto chiamato "El anillo". Sono stato interrogato sul perchè andavo a visitare Caridad Caballero.
Poco dopo mi hanno letto la "cartilla" (lettera di avvertenza n.d.t.) nella quale si diceva che non permetteranno nessun tipo di commemorazione per la morte di Orlando Zapata, che non permetteranno nessuna riunione di "Eastern Democratic Alliance", which I can not go anywhere so common because I can not write about any incidents of "those who write on your blog." Still my blog, my report, my interviews with citizens and activists beaten and abused by the same police that I was questioning.
Following the reading of "cartilla" mentioned that February 3 would have celebrated one year of public protest held in Camaguey, where more than twenty civil dissidents took to the streets to warn the people that Orlando Zapata was dying without anyone trying to save .
There were also other prohibitions: neither I nor the members of the Democratic Alliance could travel from one municipality to another. It means that in this period can neither go to Las Tunas, nor in Santiago de Cuba, or in Guantanamo, Moa, Bayamo, Baracoa, Holguin even, much less in Banes.
When they are finished with the rosary of the warnings and prohibitions have transported me to the exit with a patrol of the town in the direction of San German. They told me it would be better if I came home, because this month the ban to go to Holguin and Banes was clear.
This means that my freedom of expression and movement was not only moving from one province to another, but also by a municipality to another in the same province.
At no time during the discussion, that even if violante my rights as a citizen, this time was not aggressive, nor enhanced by both sides, so I asked the officer if everything you had told me he could put them in writing and I said no. So I said, here is the difference between us and he asked me: what? I told him that everything I think on any subject I write and publish on the blog, but you can not give me in writing what they tell you to do, for my part I am free to write and publish what I think. When I get out of here on the blog will publish everything that we said. I will try to print it out and if you accept I'll give you a copy first.
A pochi metri dalla casa sono stato fermato da una pattuglia della polizia che mi ha condotto alla stazione dello stesso quartiere nel quale mi trovavo. Senza darmi spiegazioni mi hanno tenuto mezz'ora seduto e dopo mi hanno portato in un posto chiamato "El anillo". Sono stato interrogato sul perchè andavo a visitare Caridad Caballero.
Poco dopo mi hanno letto la "cartilla" (lettera di avvertenza n.d.t.) nella quale si diceva che non permetteranno nessun tipo di commemorazione per la morte di Orlando Zapata, che non permetteranno nessuna riunione di "Eastern Democratic Alliance", which I can not go anywhere so common because I can not write about any incidents of "those who write on your blog." Still my blog, my report, my interviews with citizens and activists beaten and abused by the same police that I was questioning.
Following the reading of "cartilla" mentioned that February 3 would have celebrated one year of public protest held in Camaguey, where more than twenty civil dissidents took to the streets to warn the people that Orlando Zapata was dying without anyone trying to save .
There were also other prohibitions: neither I nor the members of the Democratic Alliance could travel from one municipality to another. It means that in this period can neither go to Las Tunas, nor in Santiago de Cuba, or in Guantanamo, Moa, Bayamo, Baracoa, Holguin even, much less in Banes.
When they are finished with the rosary of the warnings and prohibitions have transported me to the exit with a patrol of the town in the direction of San German. They told me it would be better if I came home, because this month the ban to go to Holguin and Banes was clear.
This means that my freedom of expression and movement was not only moving from one province to another, but also by a municipality to another in the same province.
At no time during the discussion, that even if violante my rights as a citizen, this time was not aggressive, nor enhanced by both sides, so I asked the officer if everything you had told me he could put them in writing and I said no. So I said, here is the difference between us and he asked me: what? I told him that everything I think on any subject I write and publish on the blog, but you can not give me in writing what they tell you to do, for my part I am free to write and publish what I think. When I get out of here on the blog will publish everything that we said. I will try to print it out and if you accept I'll give you a copy first.
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