The call to revolt on the island, pormosso by dissidents residing in Europe, urged a massive down the streets to urge the Cuban people to overthrow the regime.
I have already written on the subject, expressing how easy it is for those who live comfortably in a country that makes them privileged to incite a revolt that would necessarily be violent, how easy it is to write sentences in the network of incitement to rebellion and lifting that Cuba has not only heard, but that would not lead to nothing but a reaction to the government stops and, perhaps, a new wave of repression, now that we are opening new perspectives by the Government aimed to review the economic and social policies, which 50 years were stalled in Cuba
I also fully described the social, cultural and historical make the Arab countries and Cuba are substantially different, making utopian a popular uprising against the government on the island similar to those of the Maghreb.
Finally I would stress that the initial enthusiasm after a global power in Egypt today is run by the military, the government is made up mostly by the same people who formed the parliament Mubarak, che persitono in carcere centinaia di prigionieri politici, che i leader pacifici della rivolta non vengono più idolatrati dalle masse, al contrario si sta affacciando sul panorama regiziano la pericolosa presenza degli oltranzisti islamici, visti come una possibile alternativa.
Tornando agli europei e americani che incitano alla rivolta cubana, pubblico di seguito un eccellente post di Miriam Celaya , bloggera havanera, che esprime con chiarezza i suoi dubbi sull'eventuale possibilità di un sollevamento popolare a Cuba.
Rob Ferranti
Fantasie e realtà di una "ribellione" virtuale
A volte costa molto calcolare how far the media can create imaginary expectations. The process of popular uprising took place in some countries in North Africa against their dictatorial governments, such as the long Egyptian protest, led inevitably to comparisons with Cuba, which has the sad record of having the longest dictatorship in the Western Hemisphere.
So spread the hope of an undetermined number of Cuban emigrants abroad who believe the time has come ("now or never") to convene a peaceful popular uprising in the island.
The proposal seems to get stronger by two Cubans who live in Europe and launched a call for an uprising, with a start date from 19 al 26 Febbraio, (la data è passata e nulla è successo a Cuba, anche all'estero la partecipazione degli "esiliati" è stata miseramente scarsa n.d.e.) divulgata da loro stessi tramite le reti sopciali di Facebook e Twitter.
La turbolenza che ha suscitato questa proposta nei media interessati nella situazione cubana, principalmente in Florida, ma anche in alcuni paesi europei, obbliga a riflettere sul tema.
E' il momento opportuno per stabilire certe considerazioni che senza dubbio i più appassionati "pro-rivolta" non condivideranno.
Passiamo discretamente sul fatto questionabile che risulta convocare manifestazioni di civili a Cuba dall'estero, tenendo conto che gli autori intellettuali (o "cyber-messia as required by the information age) have not confirmed their landing on the island to take the lead in the imaginary revolt, ergo the carrozzaria for us to put the massacre here.
I forgive those readers who have put their faith in this new "now!" that comes to us from afar, but if the issue were not so serious, it would be laughable. Let's look at a few small details, like the fact that in Cuba there is virtually no access to internet and even there are many Cubans with access to social networks. This makes it almost impossible for a democratic process initiated by virtual, whether by computer or maybe just the phones of our aggressive cyber-leaders of the moment.
Ovviamo to this simple fact, I am referring to our lack information, assuming that the call to revolt hidden arrivals into the housing of a cigar and look at its impact and hopes of the Cuban reality.
It 'obvious that the conditions exist in Cuba for you to produce a social outbreak: the persistence of a dictatorship for over 50 years, a permanent economic crisis as a result of the failure of the system, a population that survives in a precarious balance between poverty and misery, the loss of faith in the government, the uncertainty toward a potentially devastating future, etc. .... Paradoxically, in our island the absence of a generalized portesta is not due to conditions that exist, but to those who Not exist and that are crucial:
- Do not count on independent civil society organizations capable of coordinating to Cuba a natural lift.
- The Cuban people, ignorant even of its most squalid rights and generally apathetic, helpless against the repressive machine is very well organized and trained to resist a regime to maintain power, the holder of a broadcasting system and the ability to prevaricate madiatica on the facts. There is also a vehicle for weaving a network capable of paralyzing the country town and force the government to negotiate for finding a compromise. It 's also true that a dozen remain in prison for political prisoners who, by virtue of a compromise with the Government, should be released soon.
- Contrary to what happened in Egypt, Cuba is not known opposition to a program capable of representing an effective resistance to the government, turning the resistance into positive action. The opposition parties of our country, in case of rebellion, can not offer any security to the people of a social order nor the proposed social pact covering the general interests to stimulate a return to democracy.
- The Cuban people, the majority does not know the opposition parties, its members nor its platforms (in the case in which they have), do not even know how the work of independent journalists and bloggers who tried to spread island in order to influence the masses. Not for nothing the government maintains a strict monopoly on information.
-There is a minimal set of popular complaints that can bring together a large mass of different social sectors willing to face the consequences of rebellion, which supposedly peaceful.
analyzing other considerazini, the most likely thing is that the ranks of the "insurgents" are nourished by some of the opponents and dissidents in general, they represent a small sector affrontarte given to the authorities, which would give the government a golden opportunity for lock them up on charges of "inciting subversion of order" or other similar charges in this way a debilitating internal resistance al paese.
Sarebbe un colpo demolitore per la società civile indipendente in un momento nel quale crescono i settori inconformi della popolazione, comincia a formarsi un consenso popolare spontaneo sulla necessità di cambiamenti per orientare quei sentimenti di frustrazione e insoddisfazione a favore di conquiste democratiche per i cubani.
Potremmo citare altre circostanze che ostacolano il successo di questo controverso sollevamento "pacifico", come il rancore accumulato nella società, frutto delle differenze politiche, vigilanza reciproca, delazione e sfiducia tra i cubani. Una rivolta popolare a Cuba, senza forze civiche riconosciute o media che controllano chiamando all'ordine con sicurezza, sfocerebbe in atti di violenza, regolamento accounts, looting and destruction similar to those that characterized the revolution in Haiti for 200 years, resulting in destruction and if possible end the nation. Why would end in this: a rebellion of "slaves" fugitives, blind and disorderly, the condition that reduced the dictatorship under the proverbial indifference of the Cubans. There is no reason to feel superior to Haitians.
All this does not mean that an outbreak can not be social. Unfortunately, the reality indicates that the country is moving towards a dangerous point of confrontation. Despite all
are among those who seek a peaceful negotiated settlement to the conflict. I think the pressure needs to continue to those areas more favorable to an organizational change, take advantage of the disability system and produce a possible extension of civic spaces, because without citizens no democratic change in Cuba will be possible nor permanent. In this process play an important role Cubans living abroad as well as those Cubans who have found inner freedom to themselves. Someone once said, brilliantly, that in war there are only losers. I would add that in the dialogue and negotiation, there are only winners.
of Miriam Caleya by Sin EVAasion
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