Quì voglio sottolineare un paio di cose. Il documentario inizia con uno scorcio dell'Havana turistica e dei suoi edifici decadenti, dove molte persone vivono in condizioni estremamente difficli. E in Italia? Sembra di parlare della realtà di Napoli, Caserta, Palermo e Bari, ma non solo, è sufficiente recarsi in alcune zone Rome or Milan or any other American or European city to find similar situations, if not worse.
This obviously does not want to justify this dramatic reality, but makes no emphasis on a fair comparison with the miserable life in the West, from the United States to land in Europe, many people are forced to live.
fact I think it is more dignified to Cuba, as the documentary says, than in other paesei of South America. No child lives and dies on the street, such as is happening today in Brazil that much courted by international corporations.
Nobody dies of hunger, disease or stupid, as in the U.S..
course the dual currency, inadequate wages, it is impossible to live decently with their work, lack of basic necessities are undeniable reality of the Caribbean island. And us? How many millions of people living below the threshold for survival in conditions far more dramatic than those shown in the documentary? I think this would have to emerge in the investigation. Then
prostitution. But just take a trip in any way from Milan or Rome to find really much more dramatic. One could say that we have most of the prostitutes are not Italian. True, but the escort of Berlusconi that sell for thousands of euro have dignity or perhaps a stronger justification?
still talking about propaganda, ma per favore! il nostro buon presidente possiede 5 canali televisivi su 6. Solo chi ha una parabola può farsi un'idea più equa sul mondo, così come d'altronde accade a Cuba. Non è vero che le informazioni sull'isola non arrivano, indirettamente dai parenti che vivono all'estero le cose si sanno, solo chi non vuole non ha accesso alle informazioni, così come in Italia.
Nel nostro paese l'80% delle notizie vengono apprese dalla televisione, quindi essendo quasi in totalità gestite dal governo di turno, le differenze si assottigliano sempre più.
Se è vero che il sogno socialista è morto, e mantenerlo in vita è anacronistico, è ancor più vero che il modello occidentale capitalista is buried, it survives only in the pockets of unscrupulous corporations and lobby those who are plunging into misery and poverty, intellectual and economic, whole countries, see Greece, Portugal, Ireland, soon also in Italy.
I do not mean by this that all is well in Cuba. Human rights, freedom of speech, movement, dual currency, the absurd difficulty of accessing the Internet, the immobility of the Cuban government are economic realities over which we need to think and that we must try to change.
I do not think that the Cuban problem today is life or death of Fidel, but in those Middle Eastern countries as well as that these days are in the spotlight of the world, immobility and anachronistic policy is the primary political issue in Cuba
I also believe that the potential of the Cuban people is far greater than any country in the so-called "first world". I think cha from Cuba, once solved the problems I mentioned, could be an example to be followed around the world. The greatest danger that the Cubans could face once launched a process of change, you just give in to that the western model that many Cubans want today. What must be avoided above all is that Cuba will become another U.S. state or one of the South American countries that we know.
In conclusion, this documentary shows a reality that so many in the West know, but leaves out some important aspects that make Cuba a practical alternative to bankruptcy condition in Western countries.
pushing for a change on the island, why not become the latest prey of sharks soulless corporate capitalism, but because it will turn into a true reality Western hegemony where nothing is sold at exorbitant prices.
From Cuba can create a new socialist alternative, not in the sense that the CCP continues to propagate, but in its most profound social and economic equality in the rights of every human being.
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