For me it is difficult to establish a relationship between the pyramids and the malecon. The fact is that we speak of nations with different customs, traditions and economic systems, with totally different political actors and governments ideologically opposed.
But in the end it is a film already seen more than once since I arrived on the island.
The first time was in the 90s, when he made sure that with the dissolution of the Soviet Union would disappear automatically the Cuban revolution.
was repeated with the visit of Pope John Paul II in 1998. Colleagues arrived to cover the event claimed it would happen as in Poland. The fact that the majority of Cubans is not the Catholic religion to them seemed an unimportant detail.
in 2006 with the illness of Fidel, was unleashed once the fury of "this is over." Instead, the transition of power was accomplished with calm and the country continued to function, I would say that in some respects, better than before.
Oggi, come se avessero scoperto all'Havana la presenza di una marea di moschee dei "fratelli musulmani", il direttore dell'intelligence USA, James Clapper, pronostica un'onda di proteste come quelle che hanno abbattuto il loro alleato del Cairo.
Però le sue profezie non corrispondono con le analisi dei diplomatici USA. Nei loro "files segreti" riconoscono che Cuba è molto ben preparata per resistere alla crisi, più di quanto lo fosse nel '90, quando l'URSS scomparve.
Forse Clapper pensa che le rivolte popolari si producono in luoghi sbagliati e sta cercando di indirizzare le cose mediante la "co-creazione", tecnica con la quale si desidera materializzare i nostri desideri utilizzando solo il potere della mente.
The problem is that this confuses many days passed and articles appear regularly in the USA, seeking to explain why you do not realize the so-called lifting Cuba, justifying the "stillness of the opposition."
Some blame the crackdown, others believe that the Cubans soffrino genetics of fear, and seek more self-critical of their mistakes. A journalist from Miami, his Facebook page, ventures that exile is part of the problem.
"He has done much damage that message was transmitted by radio with which he made sure that those who returned to Cuba would have reclaimed their property," said this fellow trying to explain because there are "massive actions of protest" on the island.
But I neither believe that the Cuban exiles, such as those of any other country, have more guilt than to exist, as it were, to have converted into exile, away from the reality that demand change and losing influence in the transformation.
The political opponent who abandons the "battlefield" is unlikely to recover the lost space. An old saying states that the military "to the enemy that they fled the place a bridge of silver."
wait a specified time from Facebook, but I doubt that the Cubans follow the instructions that are sent lifting days. Like most Always agendas and interests of the two communities are very different.
few days ago I talked with some friends on the possible lifting. We have abandoned the issue when we have verified that none of us knew a Cuban willing to embark on the streets to protest.
Instead, we all know many people involved in the adventure of starting your own private business, cafes, pig farmers, transport, restaurants, photo studios, stylists, etc.
They need money because I can now access the hotel, have phones and build homes and above all because soon will buy a car.
The opponent Hector Maseda, recentemente scarcerato, crede che bisognerà aspettare alcuni anni per le proteste di massa, "fino a quando falliranno le riforme, perchè adesso i cubani seguono i canti della sirena del negozio privato".
Forse molte attività falliranno o i benefici saranno pochi, ma i nuovi imprenditori che conosco sono convinti che il piccolo banco dove vendono pizze un giorno si convertirà in un grande ristorante.
Il fatto è che, oltre alla reale efficacia che possono avere, i cambiamenti economici stanno iniziando a risvegliare i sentimenti della gente, repressi da decenni di "realismo socialista", rinascono i sogni e l'entusiasmo delle persone.
di Fernando Ravsberg from BBC Mundo
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