Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wiewiórka Burunduk

ACIREALE - Casertana 3-1 "SHAME"

3 to 1 for 'Acireale championship and finished today's repechage not tell me about ...
game as usual, by 2 maybe 3 months now shame of our team. There had to be carried out but where? But when? But how?
I have no words to describe this game, this team or quest'allenatore. I just know that I send to hell all those who have criticized Cioffi (at least not with him was lost) and Pavaresia. Instead I sent home with Mr. Tronco that football has nothing to do and that if we saw the departure of Capparella to purchase it we just laughed at him. And to think that our dear fellow ultras are also parties to this compact and sufficiently numerous travel treacherous. Now, with who we want to take. I repeat. And I speak for me. I cared only with those who were criticizing Pavaresia Cioffi and October. They never made to work in peace and tranquility. And now I say to them: Enjoy Grassadonia and trunk, and enjoy another year of series D. Forget playoffs and repechage.


to you any kind of comment



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