Directed by Christopher Nolan
with Leonardo Di Caprio, Ken Watanabe, Cillian Murphy
In the near future industrial espionage also travels through dreams, and more specifically acting on the subconscious and the secrets it hides during the dream. Sun Cobb, a specialist in this field, he should make qualcosa di diverso dal solito: invece di estrapolare informazioni questa volta dovrà instillare un'idea nella mente di un ricco industriale. Quest'operazione gli garantirà di ritornare nella sua madre patria da uomo onesto e poter così riabbracciare i suoi figli che non vede da tempo.
Ah che bel film! Era da tempo che non mi entusiasmavo così al cinema. Paragonabile a Matrix per l'ambientazione onirico-virtuale, per l'appassionamento alla trama, il coinvolgimento emotivo e la voglia di Capire con la c maiuscola dove andasse a parare la storia. Il film è un tuffo nel mondo dei sogni, di tutte quelle stranezze che esso racchiude, un esercizio di stile da parte del regista ma non solo, la trama all'apparenza complicated in reality is linear and does not leave big questions, except for some details which I had wanted, and not the result of some carelessness or neglect on the part of Nolan. It is certainly a film that passion and that is to discuss leaving the cinema, a film that will please the most finicky will find some damage because of defects does not. It 's a film that needs to be followed carefully, because it is rich in content and sophisticated narrative devices. The direction is taken care of, even the special effects, this is a film that shows how 3D can also be totally useless, when the base is a large cast and a good story, worthy of the greatest science fiction writers (I Philip Dick comes to mind). Congratulations to Nolan, who with this film certainly wins a place in my list of favorite directors.
Christopher Nolan is not only the director of this film but also the writer and creator of the subject. The idea was born ten years earlier of the release, while he was working on Memento. Abandoned the project and then resume on the advice of his wife, who is also the co-producer: the film reminded very Matrix, released in 1999. Nolan spent enough time took up the script and the finished work, keen as it was the dream world and the concept of sharing a dream.
« Qual è il parassita più resistente? Un'idea. Una singola idea della mente umana può costruire città. Un'idea può trasformare il mondo e riscrivere tutte le regole. Ed è per questo che devo rubarla. »
Ah che bel film! Era da tempo che non mi entusiasmavo così al cinema. Paragonabile a Matrix per l'ambientazione onirico-virtuale, per l'appassionamento alla trama, il coinvolgimento emotivo e la voglia di Capire con la c maiuscola dove andasse a parare la storia. Il film è un tuffo nel mondo dei sogni, di tutte quelle stranezze che esso racchiude, un esercizio di stile da parte del regista ma non solo, la trama all'apparenza complicated in reality is linear and does not leave big questions, except for some details which I had wanted, and not the result of some carelessness or neglect on the part of Nolan. It is certainly a film that passion and that is to discuss leaving the cinema, a film that will please the most finicky will find some damage because of defects does not. It 's a film that needs to be followed carefully, because it is rich in content and sophisticated narrative devices. The direction is taken care of, even the special effects, this is a film that shows how 3D can also be totally useless, when the base is a large cast and a good story, worthy of the greatest science fiction writers (I Philip Dick comes to mind). Congratulations to Nolan, who with this film certainly wins a place in my list of favorite directors.
Christopher Nolan is not only the director of this film but also the writer and creator of the subject. The idea was born ten years earlier of the release, while he was working on Memento. Abandoned the project and then resume on the advice of his wife, who is also the co-producer: the film reminded very Matrix, released in 1999. Nolan spent enough time took up the script and the finished work, keen as it was the dream world and the concept of sharing a dream.
« Qual è il parassita più resistente? Un'idea. Una singola idea della mente umana può costruire città. Un'idea può trasformare il mondo e riscrivere tutte le regole. Ed è per questo che devo rubarla. »
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