(Counter-Clock World 1967)
Philip K . Dick
Fanucci Editore (Collection imaginary Dick)
269 pages
We are in the future, in 1998. Time is running contrary to now since 1986, and this because of a strange phenomenon called Phase Hobart, which has subverted the time from present to past. People are raised from their graves and are greeted by a group of people responsible for caring for them, selling them to the highest bidder, whether a relative or his, but you do not eat vomit, cigarettes are smoked on the contrary, it rejuvenates to become smaller, then the baby will host a womb available until the complete disappearance of the person.
This novel, from a story whose premise seems to be purely science fiction, deals in reality, the religious and philosophical issue, le sue influenze riguardo alla morte e a ciò che c'è aldilà della vita. Personaggio chiave è l'anarca Peak, un redivivo, un leader nero che nel passato è stato il portavoce di un movimento religioso (gli Uditi). Interessati a lui ci sono il suo successore, che cerca l'illuminazione collettiva attraverso l'assunzione di droghe e la Biblioteca dell'Attualità, il cui compito è quello di distruggere le memorie e le testimonianze del passato: dal momento che il tempo scorre al contrario, esse non sono ancora avvenute.
In questo romanzo, il mondo al contrario fa solo da scenografia, non tutto ciò che succede è infatti frutto della fase hobart: per poter essere comprensibile a chi legge alcune cose rimangono even as we imagine them, and I thank Dick for this, since the reading would be quite complicated. Dick mentions some of the greatest medieval philosophers at the beginning of each chapter (St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Severino Boethius etc. ..) to explain his philosophical theories about God and the perception of it.
I found a good book, this is the first of Dick that I read, I suppose it is not his best novel, the ending left me puzzled, but still brilliant in its intent.
Anarcho Peak is a tribute to the Episcopal bishop James Pike, convinced he can communicate with the dead. The character is still inspired by Malcolm X, assassinated a few years before writing the book. QUOTE
" Religion, he thought wearily Sebastian. There are more operations and trading, more nuanced, in that trade."
We are in the future, in 1998. Time is running contrary to now since 1986, and this because of a strange phenomenon called Phase Hobart, which has subverted the time from present to past. People are raised from their graves and are greeted by a group of people responsible for caring for them, selling them to the highest bidder, whether a relative or his, but you do not eat vomit, cigarettes are smoked on the contrary, it rejuvenates to become smaller, then the baby will host a womb available until the complete disappearance of the person.
This novel, from a story whose premise seems to be purely science fiction, deals in reality, the religious and philosophical issue, le sue influenze riguardo alla morte e a ciò che c'è aldilà della vita. Personaggio chiave è l'anarca Peak, un redivivo, un leader nero che nel passato è stato il portavoce di un movimento religioso (gli Uditi). Interessati a lui ci sono il suo successore, che cerca l'illuminazione collettiva attraverso l'assunzione di droghe e la Biblioteca dell'Attualità, il cui compito è quello di distruggere le memorie e le testimonianze del passato: dal momento che il tempo scorre al contrario, esse non sono ancora avvenute.
In questo romanzo, il mondo al contrario fa solo da scenografia, non tutto ciò che succede è infatti frutto della fase hobart: per poter essere comprensibile a chi legge alcune cose rimangono even as we imagine them, and I thank Dick for this, since the reading would be quite complicated. Dick mentions some of the greatest medieval philosophers at the beginning of each chapter (St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, Severino Boethius etc. ..) to explain his philosophical theories about God and the perception of it.
I found a good book, this is the first of Dick that I read, I suppose it is not his best novel, the ending left me puzzled, but still brilliant in its intent.
Anarcho Peak is a tribute to the Episcopal bishop James Pike, convinced he can communicate with the dead. The character is still inspired by Malcolm X, assassinated a few years before writing the book. QUOTE
" Religion, he thought wearily Sebastian. There are more operations and trading, more nuanced, in that trade."
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