Diventare marito e moglie è una delle decisioni più importanti che due esseri umani possono prendere assieme. Infatti, il matrimonio costituisce l'unione di un uomo e di una donna that promise to support and love with each other for the rest of their lives.
In this regard, when the pair relationship between husband and wife work, everything runs smoothly and the couple's life is easy to handle and pleasant this is not the case when the union between two people is punctuated by arguments and misunderstandings that lead to a marriage crisis . Good marriages can then become negative when they made many errors that ruin the romantic feeling that a husband and wife once had for each other.
But when relations between husband and wife cracks jeopardize your relationship?
Basically, this is when one or both partners are no longer able to meet each other's emotional needs or make the other unhappy partners. This leads to more not to love the other person and, therefore, makes it much more difficult for married life.
But do not despair ... In fact, work on the mistakes of the past and make serious efforts to meet the needs previously ignored can do wonders between husband and wife relationship and make the happy couple once again, and this leads again to make marriage easier to manage and rewarding.
Let's see how you can solve the problems of torque starting from the basics of relationships.
A person usually decides to become a husband or wife of someone who is able to satisfy his emotional needs. Whenever you see this person before marriage both trying to show the right person for the other / partner feel good at doing.
after you have encountered a bit 'of times and you were good together, you will find love with each other. In fact, falling in love is proof that the person you're leaving some of your meets important emotional needs.
In this regard, you should know that some of the values \u200b\u200band needs more important that women look for in a potential partner for life are: love, knowing how to talk, honesty, openness, fairness, economic freedom, the ability to support a family and willingness to engage. As for men, the main factors to evaluate a potential mate for life are fun, physical appearance, feeling admired, the interior support and sexual satisfaction.
When problems arise and then the couple husband and wife?
Some of the main causes of conflict in a report are the result of certain choices made by one or both partners. For example, a wife who is demanding and the parent creates a heavy and unhealthy.
If you want to improve your relationship with your wife or your husband, read and put into practice:
Furthermore, the lack of respect, anger, psychological abuse and physical violence are all carriers of negativity and pain of the relationship between husband and wife couple and this is damaging the relationship and leads to the end of love in marriage, not to mention the effect chain of negativity that this involves (for example for children or persons care).
Other causes of conflict include the Lord, the dismissive attitude, the coldness, the emotional withdrawal, dishonesty, and implement behaviors that are annoying to be one of the spouses at the same time when the 'spouse refuses to change or modify their behavior.
How then to understand whether the relationship between you and your wife or your husband still works? Simply listening to your heart. For example, ask yourself: How do you feel when you're near / y this person? Do you feel appreciated / a, cared for / a, protected / a, important, safe / ae loved?
How then to understand whether the relationship between you and your wife or your husband still works? Simply listening to your heart. For example, ask yourself: How do you feel when you're near / y this person? Do you feel appreciated / a, cared for / a, protected / a, important, safe / ae loved?
then begins to think what you want and how you want to be treated in this way, you can create a report that will make you feel good and want even more to feel good about the other person.
In conclusion we can say that there are four important things that we must always be between husband and wife because the marriage becomes a pleasure and an asset and not a burden, they are taking care of each other, the mutual protection, the time spent together and the honesty of both.
Caring means that you are able to meet the needs of each other. Security means being able to protect the person you love. Time is to spend several times of the week to do something together. And honesty means being corrected with each other and not lie or do something in secret.
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