Your couple's relationship is in crisis? In this regard, anyone who thinks that having a happy marriage easy it is probably still single! In fact, it is far easier to share your life with another person. To find out how to get a fulfilling married life, visit: couple problems
In this regard, you should know that several decades ago, people did not divorce because they were in circumstances in which this was simply not an option. Women, in fact, could not keep themselves and the company did not accept the divorce between spouses.
Now, however, the marriages end up one day and one not. In this way, if you're going through a marriage crisis and your marriage is in a bad state of health, might be a good idea to consider whether your partner and the life that you will suggest that it is worthwhile to save the marriage. In fact, as it is difficult to make a marriage work, it is also più difficile e complicato salvarne uno in crisi e per questo devi chiederti se valga la pena stare con la persona che hai sposato.
Se deciderai di salvare il tuo rapporto di coppia , dovresti quindi considerare non solo le circostanze attuali, ma anche la storia che avete condiviso assieme.
A tale proposito trova una risposta alle seguenti domande:
* Come vi siete incontrati?
* Cosa ti ha fatto innamorare?
* Eri veramente innamorato?
Questo perchè, anche se ora state passando un periodo difficile, è importante ricordare tutti i bei momenti che avete passato assieme quando per voi essere marito e moglie era fonte di immensa gioia, piuttosto che concentrarsi only on the current difficulties. And in doing so it is easy to consider all the joy you had together in the past when you were a happy couple .
In any case you should be honest with yourself and with your partner.
So, after remembering the good things lived together, it is necessary to evaluate the ugly ones. For example: One of you has betrayed the other? There are other negative events that happened between you that one of them is hard to forget? Sometimes these negative events are in fact buried with time but the resentment remains, and thus erode the couple's relationship .
Save your relationship and the couple returns to Felice, Leggi e Metti in Pratica:
Prova ad esempio a pensare se delle piccole cose del tuo partner ti fanno diventare matto e ti fanno arrabbiare e se non sono in realtà altro che delle semplici scuse per litigare. Allora in questo caso dovresti veramente analizzare le problematiche sottostanti che hai con l'altra persona e cercare di risolvere prima queste.
Ad un certo punto dovresti quindi chiudere gli occhi e immaginare come dovrebbe essere il partner perfetto. Non Brad Pitt o Angelina Jolie, ma le reali caratteristiche che vorresti avere nella persona che sta con te. Quindi dovresti fare un passo indietro e capire quanto il tuo partner ha queste qualità. Dovresti fare questo exercise very carefully and be realistic as possible. In fact, if you have any unrealistic expectations you will never be happy with anyone. However, if the emotional quality and substance of your partner is lacking, you could make a bad deal to stay in that relationship as a couple .
conclusion: Although it is difficult to save a marriage, you should not make rash decisions and decide to divorce without considering all the pros and cons. You should still try to be honest with yourself and with your wife or your husband and decide together whether to try to resolve the crisis torque or your relationship if you let the final deadline.
To resolve the crisis in their marriage and still be happy in your marriage, visit: couple relationship
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