Saturday, March 12, 2011

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The new Fiera di Roma festival of cycling

two months have passed from the Italian Championships Romano Scott Memorial Cyclocross- who got 5 to 9 January last year an unprecedented event in terms of image inside the Hippodrome Capannelle: from 32 mesh tricolor assigned to the photo-exhibition on the historic Franco Ballerini, from 15,000 visitors to the public during the five days of competition for the attention given to schools and children.
the wake of the enthusiasm tricolor 's Scott Romano ASD will be back in the front row Saturday, March 12 with the coating preparation of Trophy Fiera di Roma , children and athletes, to be held at the East entrance of the new exhibition center in the capital alongside the Roma-Fiumicino. The event traces, similar to one that was held on January 6 this year with 250 children at Capannelle players aged 5 to 15 years with the gymkhana and the carousel of 2950 meters along the test circuit tricolor, with a lot of Epiphany Cycling, coordinated by Alfio Sciuto. The Trophy Rome Fair will be held concurrently with the third edition of Motodays, Living Motorcycles of Southern Italy, which will be staged from tomorrow till March 13 . The organizer of the gymkhana promotional Fausto Scotti explains how divided the day on Saturday: "We want to pack an event dedicated to fun, festive bundling and competition. The report is one child every two parents who will have lunch and access pass to shoot into the Fair and enjoy the spectacle of Motodays. Fiera di Roma is one of our partner the Italian championships cyclocross ASD Romano Scott and we want to invite all societies, children and families to participate because it does not happen again to live a full day's two-wheel and without an engine. It will be an opportunity to promote cycling events that will be organized in the future within the Fiera di Roma .
On Saturday, the meeting of the gymkhana was set at 14.00 at the East entrance of the New Fiera di Roma Via Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, with departure at 15.00. From 11.00 you can withdraw access pass inside the fair for Motodays.
For info on the race of reference is the email address

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Tirreno - Adriatico to the rhythm of Argentine tango ... Haedo wins in Perugia.

Alla Corsa Dei due Mari ha lasciato il segno l’argentino Juan Josè Haedo (Saxo Bank-Sungard) che si è imposto allo sprint nella terza tappa da Terranuova Bracciolini a Perugia di 189 chilometri lasciandosi dietro il capoclassifica Tyler Farrar (Usa, Team Garmin-Cervelo) e i nostri Daniel Oss (Liquigas Cannondale) e Alessandro Petacchi (Lampre-Isd).
 La terza frazione della Tirreno-Adriatico è partita alle 11,37 da Terranuova Bracciolini (Arezzo) con  158 corridori. Ha dato forfait il neozelandese Hayden Roulston (Htc–Highroad). Nel tratto in leggera salita per la località di Loro Ciuffenna, dopo soli due chilometri, è scappato dal gruppo Daniel Sesma (Esp, Euskaltel Euskadi), which has now accumulated a lead of 1'30 ".
The group left peacefully do to tread over the miles has further expanded its margin: 6'10 "at km 15, 7'20" in Castiglione Fibocchi at km 20. The average first hour was 39.800 km / h. Without difficulty
Daniel Sesma (pro 'from Pamplona in 2008, no career win) won the Target Special Castiglion Fiorentino (km 50) with 7'30 "on Navardauskas Ramunas (LTU, Team Garmin-Cervelo ), 7'40 "on blue shirt leader Tyler Farrar (USA, Team Garmin-Cervelo) and Sebastian Langeveld (Ola, Rabobank) and the rest of the group at 7'55 ".
Around km 60, Camucia, the fugitive Sesma anticipated to 6'00 "and 9'45 Navardauskas (maximum benefit), the group that absorbed and Farrar Langeveld.
After the feeding zone (km 99), the group began his run to the fugitive: 6'36 "at km 105, 4'25" at km 123 with Garmin and Lampre-Isd-Cervelo to conduct the group, 3'05 "to less than 50 km from the finish (Team Trek-Leopard to make the pace).
entrance of Pretola after 157 km of racing, Sesma has managed to win on the last day leaving behind Target Special Lars Boom (Ola, Rabobank), Fabian Wegmann (Ger, Team Leopard-Trek) and Andreas Klier (Ger, Team Garmin- Cervelo).
In the rhythm on the climb to the top of Perugia Gpm was the Farnese Vini-Pickled Blacks in an attempt to weed out the group to embarrass the sprinters such as Mark Cavendish (Gbr, Htc Highroad).
front of us first tried Ametsa Txurruka (Esp, Euskaltel Euskadi) and then the flag Giovanni Visconti, who has tried to lunge at 2500 meters from the brow to be hunted after Przemyslav Niemiec (Pol, Lampre-Isd) e Wouter Poels (Ola, Vacansoleil Dcm).
 Al Gran Premio della Montagna di Perugia città (in Corso Vannucci, altitudine 474 metri) lo spagnolo Angel Ruiz Madrazo (Movistar) ha preceduto dietro Nuyens (Bel, Saxo Bank Sungard) Andy Schleck (Lus, Team Leopard-Trek) e Matteo Montaguti (Ita, Ag2r La Mondiale) e il resto del plotone sfilacciato con Cancellara che prima dello scollinamento è stato vittima di una caduta con escoriazioni alla mano oltre a un problema meccanico al manubrio e, in discesa, al tacchetto della scarpa.
 Ci hanno provato, senza scampo, Mikael Cherel (Fra, Ag2r La Mondiale) e Nicolas Castroviejo (Esp, Euskaltel Euskadi), which have been absorbed to 18 kilometers from.
to minus 9 from the line was the Saxo Bank Sungard to take the reins of the group and to raise the pace but behind the training conducted by Danish Bjarne Riis won the vanguard of the group also Team Garmin-Cervelo (with Thor Hushovd and Tyler Farrar), the Hct Highroad (with Mark Cavendish and Mark Renshaw), Lampre Isd (with Alessandro Petacchi, Danilo Hondo forerunner) and Team Radioshack (with Robbie Mc Ewen and Sebastian Rosseler).
After the last kilometer was Thor Hushovd in the first person to accelerate in the lead just before the last roundabout leading into the 250 meters of the finish straight. The progression of the powerful and courageous champion of the world, has launched Tyler Farrar who had his wheel Daniel Oss (Ita, Liquigas Cannondale), Alessandro Petacchi (Lampre-Isd) and Juan Jose Haedo (Sungard-Saxo Bank).
comeback in the last 100 meters, Haedo was able to burn Farrar, Oss, Petacchi and Renshaw but with the bonus of 10 seconds on arrival has led to the second position in the overall 5-seconds behind the leader Farrar.
time winner of 4:39 '45 "after 189 km of the race for the final average of 40.536 km / h.
Juan Jose Haedo was honored by the mayor of Perugia Wladimiro Jugs, guest of honor Miss Italy 2010 Francesca Testasecca (originally from Foligno) who delivered the blue jersey of overall leader Tyler Farrar.
For the Argentine athlete has reached the first of 34 hits in his career in Italy, " My team has worked impressively in the final but I was lucky enough to have a good leg to do the sprint. Still compete with the best sprinters in the world to have won stages in the Giro and the Tour but from now on I will do my best and I will definitely room for growth .
The most victories by Juan Jose Haedo (in a group called "JJ" or "Gege") in the highest category there are two editions of the Clasica de Almeria, the Tour of Cologne, a stage in the Tour of the Dauphiné, a stage of the Tour of Catalonia and the same stages in U.S. racing. He debuted in 2003 among the professionals in the Colavita. Once you have highlighted with several victories in the sprint races in the United States in 2005, all the fourth stage of the Tour de Toona, was hired by Toyota-United the following year. He took part in major races del'UCI America Tour, including the Tour of California and the Tour of Georgia. Own performance the Tour of California attracted the attention of Bjarne Riis that he did sign a two-year contract with Team CSC. He has a younger brother of two years, Sebastian Lucas, also a cyclist.

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Change in Cuba another concrete step towards change!

Il Governo cubano ha liberato ieri Oscar Elias Biscet, il più emblematico dei dissidenti cubani in carcere dal 2003, arrestato durante l'onda repressiva denominata "primavera nera".
Biscet famoso in tutto il mondo, è stato il simbolo della dissidenza pacifica di Cuba, ha scontato 11 anni di carcere di una condanna a 25 anni.

"Non dico che contiuerò ad essere un'oppositore, perchè non ho mai smesso di mantenere un'attitudine contestataria contro gli abusi di questo Governo", ha dichiarato Biscet dalla sua casa nella periferia dell'Havana.

Biscet con la sua ferma posizione contro il Governo e la sua chiamata all'opposizione pacifica, creò la Fondazione per i Diritti Umani Lawton, sempre molto attivo nelle sue campagne basate su una forte fede cristiana e fermo anti-abortista.

Il passo positivo di Raul è un'altro importante segno verso un cambio che il Governo cubano sta affrontando, per portare il paese verso una normalizzazione sociale oltre che economica. Oltre a Biscet, Raul ha liberato gli ultimi 52 prigionieri politici ancora in carcere.

Oltre agli ultimi 12 prigionieri di coscienza del gruppo dei 75 del 2003, incluso Biscet, anche altri 50 prigionieri politici accusati di atti violenti come il sequestro di navi e aeroplani, hanno visto la libertà.

Le vicissitudini del dott. Biscet iniziarono nel 1998 quando per un anno fu arrestato 27 volte, per brevi periodo di tempo, accusato di disordine pubblico per aver organizzato marce pacifiche all'Havana.
Dal 1999 al 2002 scontò 3 anni consecutivi di carcere per gli stessi reati.
Nel 2003 fù nuovamente arrestato insieme ad altri 74 dissidenti durante la "Primavera nera" e condannato a 25 anni di carcere.

Oggi che tutti i prigionieri politici sono stati liberati inizia una nuova era per la libertà di espressione a Cuba.
E' innegabile la reale volontà del Governo di Raul di voltare pagina.
Dopo le concessioni di attività commerciali e professionali private che stanno aprendo nuove prospettive economiche sull'isola, queste nuove misure confermano un nuovo cammino del Governo, teso a rimodernare the economic and social fabric of the island.

A great and courageous step of Raul, who confirms that support for several months with insistence to change the critical situation in Cuba is not necessary to overthrow the Castro regime, indeed the dialogue and the peaceful transition with the right ways and times can Cuba really bring a new era of prosperity and popular justice.

hope that those dissidents, especially abroad, that shouting at scuarciagola continue to incite a popular uprising against the government, and reflect on their real objectives.
Now that the dissent is tolerated, that the economy is partially privatized, it's time to actually work to change sia la mente che le azioni dell'opposizione, cercando di costruire insieme alle autorità una nuova realtà socio-economica sull'isola, mirata ad una rinascita socialista da contrapporre con fermezza al decadente modello capitalista-liberista occidentale, per una nuova alba sociale che possa essere un modello anche per quei paesi globalizzati e schiavizzati dalle lobby e multinazionali americane ed europee.

Friday, March 11, 2011

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Tirreno-Adriatico: For indicator shoots Tyler Farrar

Tyler Farrar of Garmin
the outskirts of Arezzo, he went on stage the first festival of sprinters competing in Tirreno-Adriatico: the second stage from Carrara indicator to 202 km was won by American Tyler Farrar (Team Garmin-Cervelo) in front of our Alessandro Petacchi (Lampre-Isd) and Argentine Juan Jose Haedo (Sungard Saxo Bank). By virtue of the 9-second delay in the overall standings by Lars Boom, the same Farrar jumped in command of the general classification using the 10 bonus seconds on offer at the finish of the final indicator.
The official from the central tree-lined square Carrara, was given at 11.23 with 159 runners. He gave the lump sum German sprinter Andre Greipel (Omega Pharma Lotto) after the fall occurred during the reconnaissance team time trial yesterday in Marina di Carrara where he suffered a deep wound to the left cheekbone, bruises to her chin and a left forearm contusion . The
Today è stata caratterizzata da una lunga azione che ha visto come protagonisti l’ex iridato under 23 di Verona 1999 Leonardo Giordani (Farnese Vini-Neri Sottoli) scattato in compagnia di Javier Aramendia (Spa, Euskaltel Euskadi) e da Oliver Kaisen (Bel, Omega Pharma Lotto).
 Il gruppo ha lasciato via libera ai tre fuggitivi: 3’30” al km 11; 4’15” al km 35 a Montemagno col gruppo condotto dalla Rabobank; 4’25” al cartello dei meno 150 all’arrivo.
 Al km 57, dentro l’abitato di Lucca, il gruppo è stato fermato per due minuti da un passaggio a livello chiuso. Per regolamento viene considerato “incidente meccanico” e la giuria d’accordo under the direction of travel has decided not to stop the three fugitives who have found themselves riding with a maximum advantage of 7'20 ".
the first Target Special Empoli (km 100) are passed in the order Aramendia, Jordanians and Kaisen. At this stage of the race the team led by Dutch Rabobank Flens Nick started the run with three strikers pulling down the gap to 5'50 ".
the King of the Mountains of San Casciano Val di Pesa (The Bruscolo, 313 meters above sea level) has yet to precede Aramendia Giordani, Kaisen and the platoon at 4'18 "led by the former time-trial champion Bert Varese 2008 Grabsch (Ger, Htc Highroad). The platoon has lost touch after a puncture world champion Thor Hushovd (Nor, Team Garmin-Cervelo).
along the slope leading to the second day of Gpm Poggio alla Croce place at km 148 (with Aramendia first before Giordani and Kaisen) forcing the Katusha that has frayed the group with Mark Cavendish (Gbr, Htc Highroad) and Tom Boonen (Bel, Quick Step) remained lingered about thirty seconds. To be reported after the brow, the fall of Alberto Ongarato (Vacansoleil DCM) and Luca Paolini (Katusha Team) who are then raised by completing the stage. A
Figline Valdarno, site of the second and final stage of the Target Special 157 km, Aramendia, Jordanians and Kaisen (so the order of way) they came up again waiting for the compact group at km 163. Immediately after fire in solitary Vicente Reynes (Spa, Omega Pharma Lotto) who has gained a maximum advantage of 33 "and then surrender to 21 kilometers from the finish.
The group is presented in compact ranks at the gauge for the final circuit of 7.5 kilometers dotted with treacherous curves and some strappetto. In this frantic stage of the race have tried in vain forcing Marcus Burghardt (Ger, BMC Racing Team) and Maxim Iglinsky (Kaz, Astana Pro Team) met and exceeded shortly after by Marco Marcato (Vacansoleil DCM) and Stefano Garzelli (Acqua & Sapone) .
 Sotto la morsa della Saxo Bank-Sungard, Team Radioshack e Garmin-Cervelo, il gruppo si è presentato compatto per il primo sprint della Tirreno-Adriatico 2011: il primo ad impostare la volata è stato Gatto ma la botta vincente è riuscita a piazzarla Tyler Farrar davanti a Alessandro Petacchi che non è riuscito a completare la rimonta. Il terzo posto è andato a Juan Josè Haedo, il quarto a Mark Renshaw (Aus, Htc Highroad), l’apripista del compagno di squadra britannico Mark Cavendish che non è andato oltre la posizione.
 Tempo del vincitore 4.56’06” dopo 204 chilometri di corsa alla media finale di 41,337 km/h.
Ospiti d’onore il campione degli anni 80 Francesco Moser, and honorary president Alfredo Martini Fund, which rewarded the winner Tyler Farrar: The American athlete wears the leader's jersey in the neck that bears the inscription in memory of "Franco Ballerini.
" are in good condition and today I did better than I expected. The first races of the season for me to always start in Belgium and the Tirreno-Adriatico. When I won the first time in 2009 in Santa Croce much has changed: before I ran by myself but now the whole team around works pretty well. Hushovd? It is an incredible guide, we are both two good sprinters, but I want to thank him and the rest of the team. The Tirreno is a key preparatory course in Sanremo and you can see who is already good but it is still early to make predictions .
So said Tyler Farrar's second successful solo show at the Tirreno-Adriatico (after that of 2009 in Fucecchio-Santa Croce Sull'Arno) number 34 of his professional career began in 2003. Born in Wenatchee June 2, 1984, Farrar started racing at age 13 and lives in Ghent, Belgium. He won three stages in the Vuelta of Spain, the Franco-Belgian circuit 2009, the Hamburg Classic 2009-2010 and two stages in Tour de l'Avenir. In 2004 he won the U.S. under-23 time trial.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Interviste Verazzo e Grassadonia

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Casertana, Esposito: "Mi sono sbloccato"

second consecutive win for the Casertana now regenerated in spirit after the defeat of Acireale. Following a convincing argument on Modica then got the three points are also in that of Rossano Calabro. The posting of Calabria has been decided, a quarter of an hour from the end of the match, a network of Emanuele Esposito, the third goal in rossoblu mesh. The twenty-year old right outer dall'Avellino not hide from the microphones of great satisfaction for his exploits earned him the outside blitz for Mr. Gianluca Grassadonia eleven, though, as always, the most important are the team results , still third in the standings since the simultaneous success of the strength and courage on Cittanova Interp: "Mark is always nice, but what I wish most is to win. I feel that it is unlocked and the technician that the comrades have confidence in me. I hope to continue like this, but the important thing is to win. If there's also my goal the better. "

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Non vuole dividere le spese con te?

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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Ebolitana, everything easy against Modica
too easy for the leaders. Modica against a padded promising young leaders to suffer the first fifteen minutes and then checks his experience from the race. Modica is the helpless can not do it because there are no men in attack and weight in front is the best defense in the league. Villa is absent as Falco Bennardo and defend.
Church of rigor, strength and courage over the last Interpiana
trip to Calabria land vacation and third consecutive victory for the strength and courage that accompanied dall'amuleto and tifosissima Anthony Judge, the turn to beat Interpianan week of the thirtieth day of the championship which was also very busy in that of Melicucco (Rc). The duo
Lepore - Mauro does not change anything compared to the eleven early on Sunday they beat the home Hinterreggio. In the first half gioco controllato quasi al cento per cento dai ragazzi sanniti, che però su un campo non in condizioni perfette, e contro una squadra votata al difensivismo non riesce a trovare i varchi giusti in attacco. Come detto a centrocampo gara gestita perfettamente con Maiorano che recupera molti palloni e lancia spesso Chiesa e Massaro.

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Questione ripescaggi, poche possibilita di blocco nella prossima stagione

Riproponiamo la probabile trasformazione della futura Lega Pro in merito alla riforma dei campionati. Una riforma importante che porterà la terza serie, nel giro di tre anni, dagli attuali cinque gironi (due di Prima e tre di Seconda) ad un unica categoria da tre gironi (20 club cadauno). Dalla Serie D saliranno solo 4 società, mentre dalla B retrocederanno più squadre (si dovrà determine the exact number).
's transformation to arrive at a single championship in three seasons:

Season 2010/2011
teams at the start : 85
^ Division 1: two groups of 2 ^ 18
Division : one group of 17 and two 16
Result: 90 teams (4 promotion and relegation in the leagues of 6 ^ 1 and 6 Division 4 promotion and relegation in Division 2 ^)

2011/2012 Season
teams at the start : 90
^ Division 1: two groups of 2 ^ 18
Division Three groups of 18
Result : 81 squadre (4 promozioni e 2 retrocessioni nei campionati di 1^ Divisione e 6 promozioni e 18 retrocessioni in 2^ Divisione)

Stagione 2012/2013
Squadre al via : 81
1^ Divisione: due gironi da 20
2^ Divisione: un girone da 20 e uno da 21
Esito : 72 squadre (4 promozioni e nessuna retrocessione nei campionati di 1^ Divisione e 23 promozioni e 18 retrocessioni in 2^ Divisione)

Stagione 2013/2014
Squadre al via : 72
UNICO CAMPIONATO: quattro gironi da 18
Esito : 60 squadre (4 promotions and demotions 18)

Season 2014/2015
teams at the start : 60
single sample: three groups of 20
Result: 60 teams (to be decided promotion and relegation)

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LND 2010/11 - GIRONE I - Giornata 30

Strength and courage
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Rest: Mazara

Rossanese - Casertana 0 - 1

Rossanese : Ramunno, COSENTINO, Mancini; VEZZOLI; SCARLATO; Granite; BOAT; DE SIMONE, ORLANDO; Calomini; SPINELLI.
available : Mirabelli, Apicella, Merenda, Bianchi, Vasso; Attadia; Carlucci.
Coach: COLLE

available : Salerno; Bocchetti; Adaldo; Lettieri, Pontillo; Seal; Sergi.
Coach: Grassadonia.

Referee: Pilgrim of Rome 2.
Assistants: SEW Acireale Messina and iron.
Ammoniti : Granata; De Simone (R); Parisi; Tufano; Corsale; Apuzzo (C).
Marcatori : 76' Esposito (C)
Angoli : Rossanese - Casertana 2-4

1' - nella formazione di casa "out" lo squalificato De Lorenzo e l'infortunato Cristaldi. Rispetto al match di domenica scorsa al "Nino Vaccara" di Mazara finiscono in panchina Merenda e Carlucci, mentre conquistano una maglia da titolare Cosentino e Canotto. Nella Casertana fuori Sarli, fermato dal Giudice sportivo dopo Modica per due giornate. L'attaccante calabrese tornerà disponibile solo il prossimo 27 marzo quando la compagine rossoblù sarà di scena the "Dirceu" di Eboli. Injured and therefore unavailable Marciano, Risi and Cappiello. Recovered at the last moment the list of "eighteen" another tip Sergi. Among the posts he sees himself Apuzzo preferred to Salerno: the goalkeeper Stabia was absent from the home match with Messina. Rossanese entrusted to kick-off.
6 '- conclusion of Giglio from twenty yards after a short postponement of the defense, the ball deflected for a corner by a player in the rear.
7 '- the replication of Rossanese entrusted to an initiative on the right side of Orlando. Ball to center the penalty area, but the deviation of Spinelli, after a conflict with Parisi, directly on the ends fund controlled by Apuzzo.
10 '- first pitch to the flag for the Rossanese. Lily Esposito refers to head and then completes the disengagement. The former striker Paganese remains on the ground in the penalty area of \u200b\u200bCasertana. Required the intervention of the health of the "hawks".
11 '- indecision between Parisi and Patti at the time of referral to the edge of the penalty Caserta. Orlando is about to pounce on the ball, but Apuzzo takes over the ball.
14 '- Tufano cross from the right and shot the penalty area in the center of Siano. Balloon Ramunno weak controls with ease.
16 '- Orlando retrieve a ball on trocar and arrives at the shot from medium distance. "Right," which ends away from the face of goal defended by Apuzzo.
17 '- ball filter area Rossanese for Lily Esposito: conclusion of the attacker without the necessary strength. All easy to Ramunno.
20 '- warning first meeting: the remedy that comes to Parisi Calomino leg straight up just outside the penalty area of \u200b\u200bCasertana. The ensuing free kick Vezzoli Casertana breaking on the reef.
24 '- evil snaps of the offside Casertana: Orlando to launch that occurs only in front Apuzzo. Conclusion right Apuzzo that can reject feet.
27 '- second corner for the team of Grassadonia. Corsale expedition into the area, "bank" of Paris v Let them again on the back by a defender. The third shot from the flag for a foul on Casertana action on rossoblù Ramunno. It takes a free kick for the hosts.
29 '- free kick in favor of Casertana for a foul on Edwards. Let's conclusion from a tight angle just above the door jamb Rossanese.
33 '- shot "to stop raining," Mancino's central conclusion Apuzzo and crashes.
34 '- great occasion, this time for the Casertana. Opening Corsale for Edwards in the penalty area: a tight angle and left in control of power that ends its run into the side netting.
45 '- the referee at half-time grant to one minute of recovery. Tufano foul of action against Calomino: yellow for the former Avellino.
45 '+1' - closes the first portion of the game "Rizzo." Rossanese Casertana go in the locker room and on the outcome of departure.
46 '- starts the second time in Rossano. No change operated by the technicians and Colle Grassadonia.
47 '- combination Tufano and Esposito to the edge of the area. Shooting slow and no preoccupazione per la retroguardia bizantina.
48' - opportunità per Orlando sugli sviluppi di un calcio piazzato. Occasione che sfuma per l'intervento del collaborazione di linea che rileva una posizione di fuorigioco dell'attaccante ex Rende. Subito dopo ancora Orlando in area di rigore: tiro che finisce, non di molto, sul fondo.
50' - doppia occasione per la Casertana: apertura in area di rigore di Cordua per Esposito. Controllo difettoso che finisce per favorire Siano: "girata" dal limite dell'area piccola dell'attaccante che Ramunno è bravo a respingere in posizione centrale. Palla che sembra "morta" negli ultimi sedici metri: arriva, però, Tufano che conclude net. Ball ends, however, on the bottom.
53 '- Rossanese forward: foul side quickly to beat Orlando. At the edge of the penalty striker Patti Calabrese free, but the shot ends at the bottom.
56 '- Edwards called the conclusions are: Avanti Caserta good intention, but the shot is high over the crossbar.
57 '- first place of the meeting and making the Rossanese: Vasso outside in the young (born 1991) and outside the former midfielder Cosenza Spinelli.
60 '- "fallacciano" of Grenada against Edwards' guilty' for not having stopped by an opponent (Vezzoli) to land on the trocar: warning Rossanese for the defender. Protests turned to Corsale and "yellow" for the captain of Casertana.
65 '- initiative drives on the right and cross the bottom surface of the grass: the evidence from the early low shot Giglio Ramunno that can repel.
67 '- for the second substitution Rossanese. Exit Orlando, struggling with a knee problem left. In its place another striker Attadia.
69 '- for the first change Casertana. Sergi back on the field after the injury of muscular nature remedied a few weeks ago outside Tufano.
73 ' - Granata Giglio holds the arm on the launch of Siano. The referee let it go do not see the foul near the edge of the penalty.
74 '- Sergio Esposito in the penalty area: control and ball in the net. Action, however, stop for a (just) an offside position.
75 '- Casertana for another occasion. "Tiro-cross" Help with Ramunno who takes refuge in a corner.
gol 76 ' - on the next shot to the flag comes on a scrum in the penalty area. The "endorsement" from winning the required size is Edwards.
77 '- now Caserta advantage after the third and last change: inside Carlucci dinghy.
78 '- Let foul by De Simone. Reprimand for the midfielder Rossanese.
83 '- for the second substitution Casertana: inside to outside midfielder Pontillo offensive Esposito, author of the goals of the benefit of the "hawks".
85 '- warning Apuzzo for delaying a referral from the bottom.
91 '- third and final substitution for the Casertana. Giglio outside and inside the defender Bocchetti.
93 '- shot from the flag for Rossanese: Bocchetti away out of play.
94 '- ends the meeting to "Rizzo" wins Casertana Rossano through the network of Edwards.


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Problemi di coppia: può il senso di colpa distruggere una relazione?

Have feelings of guilt in his own mind creates problems of couples and in the report. Therefore, to understand if your mind and soul are filled with guilt, you should ask you a question: What have you done so wrong that could hurt your partner and can not be forgiven? To solve the problems of torque and return to having a happy marriage or a relationship, read: Solving the crisis torque

guilt within himself then leads to a point of no return. For this to fully understand the problem that makes you feel guilty, blame may dissolve itself and run the report again. In fact, when people confront their problems, this often leads to an agreement that makes happy both. But when it refers or, worse still, they tell lies to cover the incident, the mind is still consumed with emotions based on guilt.

to improve or recover your marriage or your living together and renew your love relationship, click on:

But when you try to blame? When you are conscious actions or thoughts that go against the rights of others or against their moral beliefs. Then the errors that lead to prove guilt depend on the situation but for most of these errors there is no remedy if a bit 'of humanity on the other side.

If a person betrays such a partner, the problem could be solved if those who did not put feeling betrayed and pledges to restore trust. Who betrayed must therefore do actions, and strive to have behaviors that demonstrate to partners that the error does not happen again. It depends on my partner then forgive others because some may feel humiliated and wounded up to seek separation or divorce.

If the partners decide to forgive, you must do your part and make all possible efforts at restoring confidence. You will then need to be determined / a and honest but a person with remorse will do its utmost to recover.

So if a person violates the rights of partners, of course depends on the severity of the violation, but in most cases you can find a way to make amends and restore the relationship. People act according to emotions and impulses at times, and the violation of the rights of partners will be something that can happen occasionally in a good relationship. In fact, it happens that when the impulses and desires take controlled from, the person can do things that would not normally do.

So, if the partner commits adultery against you, before you get to hasty conclusions, consider the situation as a whole to make a wise decision. Ask him what he thought in those moments and if that does not respond thought, ask what you should think that it will not happen again. If your partner is sincerely sorry / a, will let you know the words, actions, emotions, thoughts, and with the tone of voice.

To find out how to have a satisfying life as a couple or a new relationship so exciting and enduring laws and put into practice: Guide to solve the problems of torque

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Problemi di coppia: non permettere ad ansia e paure di rovinare la tua relazione

problems couples often arise because of feelings of anxiety and fear that one or both partners try and transfer to the report. These are also the reasons why many people are barred from having a new report. Do not allow that this happens to you too. Although some people are afraid to start a relationship because they may feel able to handle stress and anxiety of the report, there are some things you can do and tips you can follow to be able to manage these anxieties and fears. To resolve the crisis of torque, a new relationship satisfying and / or have a happy marriage, please visit: married life

Here are some tips and tricks to succeed in this goal: *

not anticipate what may or may not happen in the report. Take on one thing at a time. Some people may be afraid of what might happen. Instead, focus on what is happening hours. In this way, a problem will arise if you use your resources of time and energy to try to resolve it. You can then step by step in the report.

* Try to understand why you feel anxious. Ask yourself what relationship or current relationship scares you or makes you feel anxious. Think about it and try to find out which are the basis of your fears and anxieties. If you can not, then consult a professional.

to improve or recover your marriage or your living together and renew your love relationship, click on:

* Once you understand what causes your fears, learn to manage most of these situations stressful. Practice makes perfect. And as you learn to manage these fears, you'll have more security in being in a relationship.

* Remember that being in a relationship with someone does not mean you have to marry that person. There are many different types of relationships. There are relations of friendship, romantic, etc. more serious. Is therefore the type of relationship that makes you feel at ease, and leave them.

If after following these suggestions were to have more problems with stress and fear in relationships, then you should contact a psychologist. A psychologist can give you some useful tips on how to manage your fears and your worries. With he or she can also make a path that allows you to overcome and positive management of stress and anxiety.

Finally he recalled that manage the fears and stress of a relationship is a result that can be achieved with a little 'effort and persistence.
To resolve problems with your partner or start a new relationship with the tools to make it really work, visit: marriage crisis

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Reflections on Cuba: Havana Benicio del Toro began filming "7 dias en la Habana" ensemble film of seven famous directors

Il 4 Marzo scorso sono iniziate le riprese del film "7 dias en la Habana", una coproduzione franco-spagnola della Morena films e Film house, che vedrà uniti sette registi, tra i quali Benicio del Toro, impegnati nel rappresentare una fotografia contemporanea di un'Havana eclectic, focused young man with a vision for the future.

The film is a portrait of contemporary Cuba, consists of seven episodes, each 15 minutes will be a short day of week, with a common goal, to capture the sensitivities of the authors, the energy and vitality that make the 'Havana a unique city.

Far from the tourist vision, the film is intended to express the soul of the city, its neighborhoods, atmospheres, generations and cultures.
The seven stories have different themes each other, while retaining many points in common, thereby creating a single dramatic atmosphere. The location will be the most famous ed emblematiche dell'Havana, dall'hotel Nacional al malecon.

I registi impegnati nel progetto sono: Benicio del Toro, per la prima volta dietro la macchina da presa; Julio Medem, spagnolo; Pablo trapero, argentino; Juan Carlos Tabio, cubano, famoso per essere l'autore di Fragola e cioccolato; Laurent Cantet, francese; Elia Suileiman, palestinese; Gaspar Noè, argentino.

Per la realizzazione del film si sono dovuti affrontare molti problemi, non solo logistici, come nel caso di Benicio del Toro, che a causa dell'embargo statunitense potrà realizzare solo un documentario e non una fiction, per ovviare al pagamento imposto dalle autorità americane.

Il suo episodio dal titolo "El Yuma "(the alien ndt) will open the film. He started shooting first, last Friday in El Vedado. The episode will be an American tourist staying at the famous Hotel Nacional, which is" approached "by a taxi driver who accompanies a ride in "alternative" to the city, calling until dawn, for a show of transsexuals, and from there begins the "locura".

The film aims to show the city less known, the B-side of Havana, telling stories from different points, with a balance between an colorful language and a deeper, that is not just a "postcard" of Havana.

Monday, March 7, 2011

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Tucker

Prossimi appuntamenti casertani

WEDNESDAY 'March 9, 2011

The meeting would be a convincing victory in three days from Sunday to Pinto .. . unfortunately we have to distinguish between soccer player, and football talk.
once again reiterate our unconditional support to President Verazzo, calling once again not to give up, but above all to engage in this latest battle by adopting the principles of good father the family (certain resentments are made on time and in right ways).
We fans want the peace of the results, but before that, we expect the tranquility of a healthy firm and determined to make us forget the past 18 years of hell, and not give in to "blackmail" the usual PSEUDOTIFOSI FAKE! !
In any case: appointment to red for the last trip before the break on 20 March, and before the big match at Eboli, where we introduce ourselves aware of our forces, meanwhile accumulating points on points ... from this trip in Calabria, in spite of the attack resized.
FORCE Casertana Casertana AND ALL!

nice time


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sphere Af Und I-catcher

Casertana, Verazzo: "Desisteremo dal raggiungere la Lega Pro"

excited after the race in that of Caserta. The success on Modica's 3-0 was not enough to calm the environment. It appears that you have delayed the entry of journalists in the press room by President rossoblu Verazzo. The same Verazzo in a statement released recently by the press office of the company, declaring that the race of the Pro League Casertana is no longer an achievable goal. Explanations of those heavy exponent of falcons in controversy with the whole environment Caserta. Hot statements that could be rectified in giornata di domani, a mente fredda.

Questo il comunicato del club:

Il presidente della Casertana Francesco Verazzo, al termine dell'incontro disputato oggi pomeriggio al "Pinto" contro il Modica, ha dichiarato quanto segue: "Per non creare dispiaceri a quanti a Caserta anche oggi hanno dimostrato di non volere in alcun modo l'accesso alla Lega Pro, si evidenzia che questa proprietà desisterà dal continuare a perseguire tale obiettivo".

L'Ebolitana ha faticato per superare l'opposizione dell'Acireale, che si è reso pericoloso nel primo tempo con due conclusioni di Senè e di Pieri, entrambe respinte magistralmente da Ragni. Nella ripresa, nonostante l'inferiorità numerica per una gomitata di Piccirillo al 26', la squadra biancazzurra ha tentato in ogni modo di cogliere il vantaggio. Il palo ha detto no a Palumbo al 47', ma poi l'arbitro, benevolo con un calcio di rigore all'ultimo minuto, ha concesso allo stesso attaccante l'occasione d'oro per la vittoria. Occasione puntualmente colta. E

E aggiungo io... ma se si devono disputare questi campionati falsi, dove gia ad ottobre si sapeva che avrebbero fatto di tutto per far vincere il campionato a questa Ebolitana che senso ha farlo disputare? Che senso ha far di tutto per mandare in C un altra squadra da 300 spettatori in casa e 20 in trasferta. Che senso ha farlo disputare? Che senso ha fare gironi da 18 squadre e far spendere soldi a presidenti per poi far salire sta squadra di imbroglioni? A chi ci si deve rivolgere? Chi si deve corrompere? Ce lo facessero sapere almeno uno fa una mega colletta e vediamo un po se riusciamo a pagare qualcuno...
E poi... che senso ha andare ancora allo stadio? Dopo che Verazzo rilascia queste dichiarazioni e dopo che all'Ebolitana gli viene dato un altro rigore praticamente con le squadre negli spogliatoi... Ma che senso ha seguire ancora questo calcio... Sono così incazzato da domenica scorsa che oggi non sono andato allo stadio and I think I did well. better to eat a good meal plan, a second dish made by mom, a side dish, fruit and meals. At least I'm not intoxicated.

Good continuation to all

I-catcher Und Sphere Af


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LND 2010/11 - GIRONE I - Giornata 29

Modica Calcio
Strength and Courage
Mazara 1946
Real Nocera
Nola Calcio
Valley Grecanica
Rest: Turris

Casertana - MODICA FOOTBALL 3 - 0

available : Apuzzo; Bocchetti; Adaldo; Pontillo, Lettieri, Tufano; Cordua.
Coach: Grassadonia.

available : Jordan Fecarotta, Melissa; Pluchino; Sammito G., Foppa, Parlacino.

Referee: CECCARELLI Rimini
Assistants: SEAS OF CAPUA of Parma and Ravenna.
Expelled: Sarli (C)
Scorers: 23 ' SARLI (C) 28' ESPOSITO (C) 67 ' Corsali (C) (pen)

1' - In the home side the technician retrieves Grassadonia Patti who has served one-match ban. Marciano is preferred in midfield to Cordua. Missing the injured Cappiello, Risi and Sergi. Back nell'undici departure also help. In Modica postponed the debut from the first minute Uruguayan Parlacino deployed only on the bench. "Out" Villa struggling with a knee problem, but also absent from the disqualified Elephant, Genesio and Samson. Recovered, however, Dall'Oglio deployed in central defense with expert Bennardo. Before the start of the meeting observed a minute's silence in memory of the soldier who died recently during a humanitarian mission.
5 '- dangerous action of Casertana: Edwards called in-depth guide. Cross immediately to the outside surface of the grass with rossoblù Iozzia that unravels in the center of the penalty area risking the own goal.
8 '- Marciano remains grounded because of a muscle injury in nature. For the midfielder Stabia need the help from the staff of the health Casertana. In its place comes into play Cordua.
16 '- Let you free edge of the penalty and concludes on goal: careful Hawk crashes to the ground.
19 '- action to counter the Casertana defiladed with Lily on the right. Conclusion of the first plan that takes the pole to the right of Falco.
gol 23 ' - the Casertana broke the deadlock: indecision over the last sixteen meters between a defender and goalkeeper modicano Falco. The ball is in the middle of the penalty area available to Sarli that door unguarded bags.
gol 28 ' - training rossoblù doubles. Let's cross and the conclusion of the first intention of Edwards by putting behind Falco implementation of the second day.
35 '- sent off for foul Sarli reaction against Bennardo ball away.
38 '- warning for protests against Patti by the race director.
44 '- action against foul Iozzia: penalized with the "yellow" the exterior rossoblù Edwards.
45 '- Three minutes of added time granted by the race director at the end of the first portion of the game.
45 '+3 - ending the first time the "Pinto" Casertana the double advantage thanks to goals from Edwards and Sarli.
46 '- beginning of the second tranche of the game "City" Avenue of Gold Medals. "Falchetti" out of two outputs, but with a man down following the expulsion of Sarli. At the beginning of the recovery Modica made a substitution. Debut with the coat of iblea Parlacino successor to Lanza.
49 '- in exchange for Modica: Fecarotta in for Paul.
52 '- even the first replacement in the ranks of Casertana. There is room for Tufano which takes the place of Edwards.
66 '- Football the penalty awarded to the formation of foul rossoblù for action against Lily Fountain. Sanctioned by the admonition defender Modica.
gol 67 ' - the eleven meters from the spot it's up to Corsale marking to score the third meeting.
70 '- the third and final substitution for the Casertana. The technician inserts a midfielder Grassadonia more (Pontillo) for the striker Giglio.
72 '- also the last chance for Modica. Joseph takes the place of Sammito Iozzia.
75 '- foul action against the Argentinean Cordua chervil. "Yellow" for him.
83 '- proves us Modica with chervil, but The final conclusion is to saddle with Salerno that instinctively rises above the crossbar.
84 '- on the restart of Casertana combination between Siano and help with the latter test, the lob. The ball over very little defense against the door jamb Falco.
90 '- the race director gives four minutes of recovery at the end of regulation time.
94 '- ends the meeting scheduled at the "Pinto" means Casertana exceed Modica with the result of 3-0 with the achievements of Sarli, Edwards and Corsale a penalty kick.
