Thursday, October 21, 2010

Extreme-curves Leigh D

La Vita di Coppia e Come Renderla Soddisfacente

La tua vita di coppia non è come ti aspettavi sarebbe stata? A questo proposito devi sapere che ci sono davvero pochi matrimoni dove marito e moglie sono pienamente soddisfatti. Per avere una prova di ciò fai un piccolo sondaggio. I risultati potrebbero scioccarti ma sono veri. Scoprirai infatti che tutti hanno una o l'altra lamentela sulla loro vita di coppia . Scopri come godere a couple's relationship satisfactory, visit: marriage crisis

This dissatisfaction may be in different areas of your relationship . It could be the house where you live. It could be that the husband does not help his wife in the household. The husband may complain that his wife is not helping it grow in the workplace. This may be different views on spending and saving. Therefore, you could hear a complaint after another and wonder how do husband and wife to be together with so many problems torque.

dissatisfaction, then, could be and prevent emotional type to enjoy a happy marriage . For example, a husband may complain of his couple relationship the fact that his wife did not try to do something for alzargli mood when he feels unhappy and the husband may begin to do the same. When you get to this point have physical pleasure becomes a mutual dream light years away and out of places to visit and enjoy the company of each other becomes a distant memory.

When the crisis comes to double these levels, there is found to have engaged solely in the home to watch TV to kill time. Some people even come to dread the holidays because they have this means having to live with his wife or her husband throughout the day. In these cases there is also doubt about friendship between husband and wife and a series of complaints about how it feels unhappy and how nobody responded to their mood.

You too can have a life of satisfying couple to see how laws and put into practice:

At this point it becomes a must wonder: Why the lines of communication are broken so obviously causing marriage crisis? Because the partners are not satisfied with each other and do not enjoy a happy marriage ?

E ' hard to say. But these couples problems can be solved with a little effort. Sit down together and then write all the complaints that we have the partners on a sheet of paper. Offer each other and then leaves you filled out and talk about what is written in them. Finally you decide that from now on will try to satisfy each other in every way possible.

Give yourself a month to try to improve things and, after this period of time, sit still and analyzed whether there have been improvements. Then repeat the same thing by filling out the sheets and give yourself an appointment next month to rejoice with the improvements that have been in your life as a couple . This

farà ritornare la felicità tra marito e moglie e vi farà diventare una coppia modello. E solamente la decisione di fare questo “gioco” cambierà immediatamente in positivo il vostro rapporto.

Per godere di una relazione di coppia soddisfacente e piena di gioia e benessere, visita e metti in pratica: problemi di coppia


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