Sunday, January 30, 2011

Meadco License Manager Invalid Publishing License

Benvenuti al sud

(Italy 2010 comedy) Directed by Luca Minieri

with Claudio Bisio, Angela Finocchiaro, Alessandro Siani

Alberto Colombo is a post office manager in the province of Milan and from time applying for transfer to live in the city, seeing the place to blow a disabled person decides to pretend to be paraplegic to move forward at all, but is discovered and transferred to punishment in the south, in a small town near Naples where it will remain for two years . Reluctantly part, carrying all the prejudices against which the so-called "southerners".
Questo remake riuscitissimo sembra proprio l'esatta copia di "Giù al nord" , trama e situazioni comiche sono le stesse, per questo dico che tutto dipende da quale dei due è stato visto prima. Se non avete visto l'originale sicuramente lo apprezzerete moltissimo, in caso contrario non potrete fare a meno di paragonarlo col film francese e trovare che tutto sommato, non fosse altro che per l'originalità della trama, rimane comunque meglio il primo.
Bisio però è fenomenale, così come tutto quanto il cast, comprese le comparse, del resto la trama si prestava benissimo ad essere adattata in Italia ed è stata sfruttata al meglio, sfatando tutti i luoghi comuni della gente del sud e dei luoghi che vi lives.
to see for sure, we laugh a lot.
Dany Boon, director and actor of the original film "down north" makes an appearance at the beginning of the film. It can be seen entering the post office and ask for directions in French. QUOTE

"I hear a voice, who is he?" "It 's the nearby Mary" "And how is Mary?" "As you like it? Short, fat, with a mustache" "An otter!?"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Darmowetapetyi Dzwonki ,na

Musica per vecchi animali

(Italy 1989 comedy \\ grotesque)
Directed by Stefano Benni and Umberto Angelucci
with Dario, Paolo Rossi and Viola Simoncioni

PLOT A professor, a trained kung-fu and a little girl together take a trip across town (in a future post-disaster) to go to the hospital where the mechanic has to deliver a mysterious gift to his girlfriend.
I came across by chance in this afternoon to film a TV. I had heard in an interview with Paul Smith long ago and considering that Benni is one of my favorite writers, I have looked at me curiously and everything. The imagination of the writer is seen throughout in the film, only he manages to recreate the quirky characters and improbable perhaps the choice of the cast fits perfectly. I read reviews that have sawn the legs but do not know why, I found it enjoyable. I admit the extravagance and big resolutions made perhaps a little light and not enough skill (as would have been able to Fellini, for example), but Benni Benni is and who has read something of his own may find a bit of extravagance and pleasant irony in this film.
Inspired by his book "Comedy Warriors" Benni is an appearance in the film is the voice you hear on the radio and steering wheel which orders the police to look for players.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

State Of Maryland Life Insurance License

Resident evil: afterlife

(Resident Evil: afertlife UK \\ USA \\ Germany 2010 SF)
Directed by Paul WAS Anderson
Yovovich with Milla, Ali Larter

It's been four years since the disaster Umbrella corporation with the virus that infected humanity T.
Albert Wesker, the President of the Umbrella, managed to inject the antidote to Alice, who returns to normal, but the two with the plane crash and survives only Alice, so goes to Arcadia, a city of survivors should be located in Alaska. During his trip he will meet a group of people hiding in a maximum prison Safety abandoned. Together to seek the salvation of Arcadia.
But because when a film has so much success can ruin the memory, making it a useless and insipid saga? happened with Saw, now does not even account how many more sequels are made, and now I are ruining Resident evil, which in my opinion, could also end up with the first film.
You can safely avoid watching, is the usual jumble of clichés ... a group of men (the good, the bad, the beautiful, the black man, etc. etc.) who runs away from zombies and someone dies, someone is saved, c ' is the villain who prevents them etc etc many movies could pull off a plot of Gender? infinity, I think. Only crap, and I'll spare you the ending.
Oh, but it is not by chance that even that was not in 3d? please do not tell me. QUOTE

"My name is Alice and I remember everything"

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Travesti Camila Rodrigez

Sunshine award

I do not know what it is nor if I deserve it but really Thank you very Hobin and his blog Otherworlds for thinking of me. It 'nice to start the year knowing that at least someone appreciates the time you devoted to your blog.
and then return the favor (he long chain s.antonio but for once it's for a good cause), to explain how it works and announcing the winners as well as to give my own in my little a little more visibility, which I think is the gist of the whole thing;)

When you receive this award you must ...
  1. thank those who have honored us.
  2. Write a post for the award.
  3. increased to 12 blogs that we deserve.
  4. Insert the link of each of the blogs that we have chosen.
  5. Telling rewarded.
  • Diary of a dappista Alberto Tommolini, why talk about panic attacks and not only that, but especially for his post in September
  • Ikea Hackers for terrific ideas on how to make the original home (Thank you) go
  • Desserts go for having stolen the recipe for Black Forest cake , because it was exquisite!
  • But really? Wonderland, fun blog for mothers struggling with their little children
  • CineVision Tiziana and readings, because it has a very similar to my blog and why it is one of the few who reads me seriously.
  • Woman Like Me by Haruko & co. because that's where I started doing the reviews and blog is one of the richest topics that I know
  • Quasiventisette years and have three daughters? Polly, always fun to read the adventures dealing with their children
  • The reviews Robydick , because often I find the film dated, that I like so much
  • The disinformatico Attivissimo of Paul, for his investigations antibufala
  • cinEnemy for the plots of films seen by the bad guys, it's brilliant
  • Calidreaming , because of family relations and to encourage it to write more
  • as the last, if I may, I would like to group all those blogs that have allowed me to optimize my own, with tips and ideas and also where I learned to scasinare html codes, up to a couple of years ago unknown to me.