Friday, December 31, 2010

Where Is Cervix Before Period

La ballata delle prugne secche

of Pulsatilla (aka Valeria Di Napoli)
Publisher Castelvecchi
2006 Pages 195

Biography Pulsatilla: life, experiences, loves and views a girl's outspoken and no half measures, become a blog novel.
The postscript of her ex-boyfriend reflects the idea that some I made her and her book. Slide reading in a language that goes from nicely polished (for the careful research of certain words) to extremely coarse and vulgar, but I hope you want.
His book or hate it or love it, and this is at odds with what I think really because I went from laughter to finger pointing: Pulsatilla is irreverent and not prone to social conventions (as she says), says not have the TV and do not know what a dvx (strange for one who has a blog, browse the Internet, known as chat), as it does boast, but then doth names of television programs, people who in theory should know. I like his writing, but I can not conceive il suo modo di vedere le cose: siamo su due mondi diversi, io non amo truccarmi, non soffro di shopping compulsivo, lei ne parla come di cose assolutamente futili ma poi non riesce a farne a meno. Insomma, il controsenso fatto persona.
Questo fa sì che risulti un tantino antipatica e spocchiosa, una di quelle persone che si danno addosso e allo stesso tempo dimostrano tutto il loro narcisismo. E poi c'è quella definizione che usa su se stessa per denotare un aspetto poco carino: a pagina 131 dice "sembravo una mongoloide", non mi è piaciuto. Bisognerebbe chiederle se era sua intenzione usare questo termine per definirsi simile ad una asiatica orientale oppure ad uno affetto dalla sindrome di Down, se fosse la seconda lo troverei francamente di cattivo gusto e indice di poca intelligenza.
Tuttavia, devo ammettere che il libro ha catturato la mia attenzione, me lo sono letto in un paio di giorni, il target è rivolto alle donne, magari sue coetanee, un pò fricchettone ma anche alle radical chic stile "secsendesiti" tenendo bene a mente che tale recensione è stata scritta da una che non appartiene a nessuna delle due categorie.
"Lui era un personal trainer e mi avrebbe aiutato a trovare l'allenamento che faceva per me... Lui, mi avrebbe fatto perdere peso. Bla bla bla. La mia attenzione durante il pistolotto si tenne viva grazie all'espressione attività lipolitica , che in un primo tempo interpretai come attività there policy : aroused my curiosity, I wanted to understand what it was.
realized that there was no polis to steer when I found myself lying on a recumbent, where, again because of my nanitudo I sbiellai hip in an attempt to complete the ride. Demorsi. "


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tech Deck On Funbrain

Megamind 3d

(Megamind USA 2010 animation) Directed by Tom McGrath

Dreamworks Animation

Megamind and Metromania are two little aliens with super powers that will be sent on Earth from their parents. Metromania, will grow into a noble family and become the darling and savior the city. Megamind, however, landed in a maximum security prison will be raised by the detainees and will become a super villain will do anything to destroy his opponent.
Divertentissimo animated film, a new narrative of the struggle between good and evil. Megamind becomes evil, because of wrong teachings, but after hatching a noble and good, and love for his beautiful will help turn the situation around. Suitable for both children and the less-children.
The 3D is quite unnecessary, I personally find it annoying even in a cartoon, where the scenes have not even been specially made to enhance this technology.
Nella versione originale la voce di Megamind è affidata a Will Ferrell mentre in Italia il doppiatore è Roberto Pedicini, notissima e bravissima voce di attori come Jim Carrey e Kevin Spacey
"La mia è stata un'infanzia abbastanza normale, i miei non vedevano l'ora che me ne andassi di casa, una ben gravosa aspettativa per un neonato di otto giorni... Accadde che un'altra famiglia del quadrante Claupunt ebbe la stessa idea, fu allora che conobbi Mister Perfettino, e nacque la nostra leggendaria rivalità!"

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Georgia Board Of Lpns Refresher Programs

E' arrivato Babbo Natale!

Ecco cosa mi ha portato per Christmas \\ Birthday, do you like? I do!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Chicas Follando 11 Anos

Buon natale a tutti i lettori di questo blog

few but good: D

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Myammee In Black Lingere

La rapina perfetta

(The Bank Job USA 2008 drama)
Directed by Roger Donaldson
with Jason Statham, Saffron Burrows

London 1971. Terry is a car salesman with some financial problem: he was contacted by an old friend for a shot at the Baker Street bank, Terry is an opportunity waiting for a lifetime, pocketing the money and rebuild a life abroad, but does not know that part of the stolen property is of great interest and intelligence of a few unscrupulous gangster.
Based on a true story, this film tells the story of a group of robbers novice that makes the shot of life. An enjoyable film, and the plots with well-structured narrative: in fact the protagonist must face not only with intelligence but also with some unsavory character, who has stepped on the foot. Also interesting for someone like me, did not know this story involving the Royal Family in the 70's. If you want, current events even in our days, if we think our politicians: D
British actor Jason Statham, and martial arts expert diver of the English national team, has left the task to make the competitive model. Thanks to some publicity will be noticed by director Guy Ritchie, which offers him the opportunity to act in his film Lock Stock and, following re-confirmed for Snatch and Revolver.

Friday, December 3, 2010

New Mexico Sped Teacher Certification

Tributo a Quentin Tarantino

Beautiful video found on YouTube created by Raphael Magalhães, a great tribute to Quentin Tarantino. All characters and music features more of his films.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Poptropica Cheats Infinite Credits


(Splice Canada \\ France 2009 SF)
Directed by Vincenzo Natali
with Adrien Brody, Sarah Polley, Delphine Chanéac

Clive and Elsa, are lovers and colleagues, two brilliant scientists who have discovered how to manipulate DNA to create new life forms. When the company denies lending their experimentation with human DNA, the two decide to do it in secret anyway. Dren will be born from this experiment, a humanoid with the extraordinary ability to grow rapidly. The experiment, however, escape from their hands.
The beginning inspiration. The preconditions for a good movie there, but then the plot degenerates: it is as if the writer did not know where to end up and the ending, which would be grotesque to call him a compliment, you made a bunch of crap behind 'other. I would not reveal anything, but really, who arrived an hour and a quarter the story takes a turn absurd, because it agreed that a science fiction film should give the benefit of the doubt, but this is close to the absurd. I did not like it one bit. Only compliment goes to the actress who plays Dren.

QUOTES "You can not take it out, the samples devono uscire da qua. - Non chiamarla così."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Silverado Ss For Sale

Prison escape

(The escapist UK\Irlanda 2008 drammatico)
Regia di Rupert Wyatt
Con Brian Cox, Joseph Fiennes, Dominic Cooper

Frank Perry, ergastolano ormai attempoato, riceve una lettera dalla moglie che lo informa delle gravi condizioni in cui si trova la loro figlia. Frank decide di scappare dal carcere, e per farlo chiede l'aiuto ad alcuni detenuti che assieme a lui tenteranno la fuga.
lovers on film escapes from prison can not pass up this film. Load voltage not get bored, and using two narrative lines alternating with each other (one that shows the flight, a day before that) contribute to thrill the viewer, pending a final anything for granted. Very nice.
The film was successfully presented at the Sundance Film Festival and won an award for best production at the British Independent Film Awards of 2008.
The track "The Escapist" is present in the credits of Coldplay, and is the ghost track of their album Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends.