Quanto segue è tratto dall'Enchiridion indulgentiarum o Manuale delle indulgenze, pubblicato su Acta Apostolicae Sedis il 29 luglio 1968.
La Santa Madre Chiesa, mentre di nuovo raccomanda ai suoi fedeli l’uso delle indulgenze, come cosa carissima al popolo cristiano per molti secoli e anche ai nostri giorni, a quanto attesta l’esperienza, non intende assolutamente diminuire il valore degli altri mezzi di santificazione e di purificazione ed in primo luogo del sacrificio della Messa e dei sacramenti, specialmente del sacramento della penitenza. Neither wants to diminish the importance of those abundant aid, which are the sacraments, and works of devotion, penance and charity. All these means have in common that the more effectively lead to the sanctification and purification, the more closely the faithful are united with Christ the head and body of the Church by charity. The preeminence of charity in the Christian life is confirmed also by indulgences. Indulgences, in fact, can not be acquired without a sincere conversion and without union with God, with the addition of the completion of prescribed works. It is therefore preserved the order of charity, which is part of the remission of penalties for the distribution of the Treasury of the Church.
An indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment for sins already forgiven as regards the guilt, that the faithful, properly disposed and under certain conditions through the action of the Church, which, as the minister of redemption, authoritatively dispenses and applies the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints.
An indulgence is partial or plenary according as it removes either part or all of the temporal punishment due to sin.
No one can apply the purchasing indulgences to others who are still alive.
Indulgences, plenary and partial, can be applied to the deceased by way of suffrage.
The granting of a partial indulgence is indicated with the only words "partial indulgence" without any determination of days or years.
The faithful, at least with a contrite heart perform an action which is attached to the indulgence, gets, in addition to remission of the temporal punishment that perceives its action, equal remission of punishment through the intervention of the Church.
The plenary indulgence can be acquired only once a day.
The faithful, however, will acquire a plenary indulgence in mortis article, even if on the same day he bought another plenary indulgence.
The indulgence, however, can be purchased several times a day, unless explicit indication to the contrary.
The work required to gain the plenary indulgence attached to a church or oratory consists in a devout visit these holy places, reciting them in an Our Father and a Creed.
To buy a plenary indulgence is necessary to perform the work indulgenced and fulfill three conditions: sacramental confession, Eucharistic communion and prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff. It also requires that any condition to be excluded even venial sin.
If there is full or not available are placed the three conditions, the indulgence is only partial, except as prescribed in rules 34 and 35 for the causes.
The three conditions may be fulfilled several days before or after you have finished the work required, the whole street is fitting that Communion and prayer for the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff to be made in the same day that the work is done.
With a single sacramental confession can be purchased over indulgences, however, with one Eucharistic communion and prayer one for the intentions of Supreme Pontiff may purchase only one plenary indulgence.
You have fulfilled the condition of prayer for the intentions of the Pope, acting according to his intentions, an Our Father and Hail Mary is left to individual freedom, however, to recite any other prayer for mercy and devotion of each one.
You can buy an indulgence with work that is required to do by law or precept, unless the grant does not expressly say otherwise. But who does the work that has been enjoined as sacramental penance, at the same time can meet for repentance and buy any indulgence attached to this work.
An indulgence attached to a prayer may be purchased in any language it is performed, provided that certain of the trustworthiness of the statement or version of the Sacred Penitentiary or of any of the ordinaries or hierarchs of the places where that language is commonly spoken. To purchase
of indulgence attached to a prayer just recite alternately with another or follow it mentally while another recitation.
partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in performing its duties and in enduring the hardships of life, raises the mind with humble confidence to God, adding, even if only mentally, a pious invocation.
partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in a spirit of faith and a spirit of mercy, he puts himself or his property to serve the brethren who are in need.
partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in a spirit of penance, he spontaneously and without His sacrifice of something lawful.
other concessions
Actiones nostras (our actions). Lord, prevent our actions with your love, support it with your help, to all our prayers as all our work you are in its beginning and its end. Amen. Partial indulgence.
Actus virtutum theologalium et contritionis (Acts of the theological virtues and contrition). partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who piously says, with a suitable formula, the theological virtues and acts of contrition. For every single act is attached to the indulgence.
adoratio Most Holy Sacraments (Adoration of Sacramento) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who visit Sacramento, the plenary indulgence will instead if he remains at least half an hour in adoration.
Adoro te devote (I adore you devoutly). partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly recite the rhythm "Adoro te devote" (I adore you devoutly).
Adsumus (We are all here in front of you). We are all here before you, O Holy Spirit, our Lord, jammed, it is true, by our sins, yet spontaneously gathered in your nome.Vieni us, stay with us, deign to fill our souls. Teach us what we need to be treated, how, and show us what we need to decide, so that with your help we can all piacerti.Sii the sole inspiration of our resolutions, the only one to make them effective, you who alone, with the Father and the Son, dates every gloria.Tu you love above all things what is right, do not allow that we violated the order of justice. Let ignorance does not lead us into error, the bias is not able to bend and offering gifts or concerns of people there corrompa.Uniscici effectively to you with the gift of your grace, that we are you one thing, and not in any way we move away from the truth. And as we gather in your name is' in everything that we comply justice tempered by charity, so here we thought no one ever turn away from you and in the Hereafter, for having acted well, we attain the eternal reward. Amen.Questa prayer, which is usually pray before a study session of common interest, the indulgence is enriched partial.
For you, blessed Ioseph (To you, O blessed Joseph). To you, O blessed Joseph, close by the resort to tribulation, and confidently invoke your patronage, together with that of your most holy bride. Ah! That sacred bond of love that you Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and for the fatherly love that you brought the child Jesus is concerned, you ne preghiamo, con occhio benigno la cara eredità che Gesù Cristo acquistò col suo sangue, e col tuo potere ed aiuto soccorri ai nostri bisogni. Proteggi, o provvido Custode della divina Famiglia, l’eletta prole di Gesù Cristo; allontana da noi, o Padre amatissimo, la peste di errori e di vizi che ammorba il mondo; assistici propizio dal cielo in questa lotta col potere delle tenebre, o nostro fortissimo protettore; e come un tempo salvasti dalla morte la minacciata vita del bambino Gesù, così ora difendi la santa Chiesa di Dio dalle ostili insidie e da ogni avversità, e copri ciascuno di noi con il tuo continuo patrocinio, affinché con il tuo esempio e con il tuo soccorso possiamo virtuosamente vivere, piamente morire and achieve eternal bliss. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Agimus tibi gratias (We thank you) We thank you for all your benefits, almighty God, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.Indulgenza partial
Angele Dei (Angel of God) Angel of God, you're my guardian, enlighten, guard, and protect me, who have been entrusted by the heavenly goodness. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Angelus (The Angel of the Lord) - The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, and she conceived of the Spirit Santo.Ave ..- Mary ... Behold the handmaid of the Lord .- Both done to me according to your parola.Ave Mary ... ... - E il Verbo si è fatto carne.- E ha abitato fra noi.Ave Maria…….- Prega per noi, santa Madre di Dio.- Affinché siamo resi degni delle promesse di Cristo.Preghiamo. Degnati, Signore, infondere la tua grazia nelle anime nostre, affinché, come per l'annunzio dell'Angelo abbiamo conosciuto l'incarnazione di Cristo, tuo Figlio, così per la sua passione e croce, giungiamo alla gloria della resurrezione. Per Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.Durante il tempo pasqualeRegina del cielo, rallegrati, alleluia.Perché colui che ti fu dato di portare nel seno, alleluia,E' risorto come disse, alleluia.- Godi e rallegrati, Vergine Maria, alleluia.- Perché il Signore è veramente risorto, alleluia.Preghiamo. O Dio, che ti sei deigned to brighten the world with the resurrection of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech thee, that through the merits of his Mother, the Virgin Mary, we come to the joys of eternal life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Si grant indulgence to the faithful who piously recites these prayers, according to the diversity of time.seconds an admirable practice are usually recite the same prayers in the morning, noon and evening.
Anima Christi (Soul of Christ) Soul of Christ, of Christ santificami.Corpo, salvami.Sangue of Christ, inebriami.Acqua the side of Christ, of Christ lavami.Passione, confortami.O good Jesus, esaudiscimi.Dentro Thy wounds, nascondimi.Non let me depart from evil enemy te.Dal, difendimi.Nell 'hour of my death, chiamami.E bid me come to Thee, that with your saints praise you, for ever and ever. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Basilicarum Patriarchalium Visitatio in Urbe (Visit the Patriarchal Basilicas of Rome) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful who devoutly visit one of the four patriarchal basilicas of Rome and we pray the Our Father and Creed - the Feast of the Owner - on Sunday or any other holy day of obligation - once a year, in another day, to be chosen from the same faithful.
Benedictio papalis (Papal Blessing) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful who devoutly receives, even if only by means of radio, a blessing given by the Supreme Pontiff "Urbi et Orbi".
coemeteria Visitatio (Visit the cemetery) the faithful who devoutly visit a cemetery and pray, even if only mentally, for the dead, he allows himself the indulgence, applicable only to the souls in Purgatory. This will be from 1 to 8 November plenary, at other times partial.
coemeteria veterum Christianorum seu "catacumbae" Visitatio (Visit a "catacomb" Christian) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly visit a Christian catacomb.
Communionis spiritualis actus (act of spiritual communion) The act of spiritual communion, issued by any pious formula, is enriched by a partial.
Deum I believe in (I believe in God) I believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried He descended to the third day he rose again He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, from thence he shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the flesh, eternal life. Amen.Si grant indulgence to the faithful who devoutly recite the above symbol of the Apostles or the Nicene Creed.
adoratio Cross (Adoration of the Cross) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful who, in the solemn liturgical action of Good Friday, involved the worship of the cross and kisses it.
Defunctorum officium (Office of the Dead) will be granted partial indulgence to the faithful who devoutly say the dell'Officio Lauds or Vespers of the dead.
De Profundis partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly recite the psalm De profundis (Psalm 129).
Doctrina Christiana (Doctrine Christian) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who gives or receives the teaching of the doctrine cristiana.Colui that, in a spirit of faith and charity, gives the teaching of Christian doctrine, can achieve the indulgence granted in accordance with the General n.11. With this new award confirms the partial indulgence for the teacher and extends to the disciple.
Domine Deus omnipotens (Lord God Almighty) Lord God Almighty, you have made us the grace to begin a new day, help us today with your power, to this day do not commit no sin, but the thoughts the words and works always conform to our Your holy law. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
En ego, O Bone Jesu et dulcissime (Here I am, my beloved and good Jesus) Behold, O my beloved and good Jesus, that your holy presence to prostrate, I pray with fervor to print more vivid feelings in my heart of faith, hope, love, sorrow for my sins and resolve to no longer be offended, while I with all the love and compassion in all I consider your five wounds, starting with what he said about you, or My Jesus, the Holy Prophet David: "They pierced my hands and my feet, they counted all my bones" (Psalm 21, 17-18). It allows the faithful who devoutly reads, After Communion, said the prayer before the image of Jesus Crucified plenary indulgence in each Friday of Lent and the Passion, and the indulgence in all the other days of the year.
Eucharisticus conventus (Eucharistic Congress) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful who devoutly participate in the solemn function of the Eucharist, which is usually done at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Congress.
Exaudi nos (Hear our prayer) Lord, Holy Father, Almighty and eternal God, hear our prayer, send your holy angel from heaven to guard, to comfort, protect, defend and visit all the inhabitants of this house. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Indulgenza parziale.
Exercitia spiritualia (Esercizi spirituali) Si concede l'indulgenza plenaria al fedele che partecipa agli esercizi spirituali almeno per tre giorni interi.
Iesu dulcissime (Gesù dolcissimo - Atto di riparazione) Gesù dolcissimo, il cui immenso amore per gli uomini viene con tanta ingratitudine ripagato di oblio, di trascuratezza, di disprezzo, ecco che noi prostrati innanzi a te, intendiamo riparare con particolari attestazioni di onore una così indegna freddezza e le ingiurie con le quali da ogni parte viene ferito dagli uomini l'amatissimo tuo Cuore.Memori però che noi pure altre volte ci macchiammo di tanta indegnità, e provandone vivissimo dolore, imploriamo first of all for us thy mercy, ready to repair, with voluntary expiation, not only the sins committed by us, but also of those who wander away from the path of health, refuse to follow you as shepherd and guide, in their obstinate infidelity or, trampling on the promises of baptism, have shaken the yoke of your sweetest He reads everything and we intend to atone for the accumulation of so deplorable crimes, we plan to each riparian, in particular: the immodesty and indignities of life and clothing and the many veiled attacks on innocent souls from the corruption, the defilement of public holidays, the insults hurled at you and your abominable Saints, the insults thrown at your Vicar and order priestly negligence and the horrible sacrilege waves is profaned the sacrament of divine love, and finally the public sins of nations which resist the rights and the Magisterium of the Church fondata.Oh from you, we could wash our blood these addresses! Meanwhile, how divine honor trampled repair, we introduce you to - accompany the expiation of your virgin Mother of All Saints and pious - that one day the same satisfaction that you offered yourself to the Father on the cross and that every day renewals at the altars : promising with all your heart you want to repair, as will be with us and with the help of your grace, the sins committed by us and by others and indifference to such great love, with firmness of faith, the innocence of life, the perfect fulfillment of the Gospel law, especially of charity, and also to prevent our forces with all the insults you, and how much more we can attract to your sequela.Accogli, you'll Please, merciful Jesus, or, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary repaired, the voluntary allegiance to repair, and keep us faithful in your obedience and your service to the death with the great gift of perseverance, by which we can all one day achieve to that country, where you are with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign God, for ever and ever. Amen.Si grant indulgence to the faithful who devoutly follows the above act of reparation. The plenary indulgence will be if that act is recited publicly on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
dulcissime Iesu, Redemptor (O most sweet Jesus, or Redeemer - Act of consecration of mankind to Christ the King) O sweet Jesus, and Redeemer of mankind, we humbly prostrate concerns before you. We are yours, and your want to be, and to live more closely joined to you, here is that each of us, now devotes himself voluntarily to your Sacred Cuore.Molti unfortunately you never knew, despising Your precepts, you repudiated. O merciful Jesus, have mercy and of each others and they all attract to your Sacred Heart. O Lord, be the King not only of the faithful who never strays from you, but also of those prodigal sons you left, is' that these, as soon as possible, to return to the family home, not to die of misery and hunger. Be King of those who live in error and deception, discord or separated from you, call them up at the harbor of truth, unity of faith so that you will soon be one fold under one pastore.Largisci, or Lord, secure safety and freedom to your Church, grant to all peoples the tranquility of order, is' that from one end of the world do we hear this one voice: Praise be to the Divine Heart, which was our health, he will sing glory and honor forever and ever. Amen.Al fedele che recita piamente il predetto atto di consacrazione, si concede l'indulgenza parziale. L'indulgenza sarà plenaria se il medesimo atto si recita pubblicamente nella festa di Cristo Re.
In articulo mortis (In punto di morte) Al fedele in pericolo di morte, che non possa essere assistito da un sacerdote che gli amministri i sacramenti e gli impartisca la benedizione apostolica con l'annessa indulgenza plenaria, la santa Madre Chiesa concede ugualmente l'indulgenza plenaria in punto di morte, purché sia debitamente disposto e abbia recitato abitualmente durante a vita qualche preghiera. Per l'acquisto di tale indulgenza è raccomandabile l'uso del crocifisso o della croce.La condizione "purché abbia recitato usually during the life of some prayer "makes up for in this case the three usual conditions required for gaining the plenaria.Questa plenary indulgence at death can be gained by the faithful who, on the same day he bought another plenary indulgence .
Litaniae (Litany) are enriched by a partial individual Litany - the Name of Jesus of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary-San Joseph and the Saints.
Magnificat partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly follows the canticle Magnificat.
Mary Mater gratiae (Mary, Mother of Grace) Mary, Mother of Grace, Mother of mercy, protect me from the enemy and receive me at the hour of partial morte.Indulgenza.
Memorare, O most gracious Virgo Maria (Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary) Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that he never heard anyone in the world who have recourse to your patronage, implored your help, we asked for your protection and is been abandoned. Inspired by this confidence in thee, O Mother, O Virgin of virgins, and I come to you, contrite sinner, I bow before you. Not wanting, or Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise my prayers, but hear and answer me propitious. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Miserere partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in a spirit of repentance, says the psalm Miserere (Psalm 50)
Novendiales preces (novena) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly participate in the novena, made public , in preparation for the feast of Christmas, Pentecost and the Immaculate Conception.
Obiectorum pietatis usus (use of objects of pity) The faithful who devoutly use an object of devotion (crucifix or cross, crown, scapular medal), all blessed by a priest, can gain an indulgence, then this parziale.Se religious object is blessed by the Pope or a bishop, the faithful, who devoutly uses, can also buy a plenary indulgence on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, adding, however, the profession of faith with any legitimate formula.
officia parva (Small Office) are enriched by a small part of the individual Office: the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Immaculate Conception and St. Joseph.
to sacerdotales vel Oratio Religiosas vocationes impetrandas (Prayer for the prayer for vocations to the priesthood or religious) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who says a prayer, which was approved for that purpose by the Church.
Oratio Mentalis (mental prayer) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful that is dedicated to mental.
Oremus pro Pontifice (Prayer for the Pope) We pray for our Holy Father, Pope ... ... ... ... ... ... .. The Lord preserve him, give him life and make it happy on earth. And do not let him fall into the hands of its partial nemici.Indulgenza. O sacrum convivium
(O sacred banquet) O sacred banquet in which Christ is our food, it perpetuates the memory of his passion, the soul is filled with grace and we are given the pledge of glory futura.Indulgenza partial .
Praedicationis sacrae participatio (Assistance alla sacra predicazione)Si concede l'indulgenza parziale al fedele che assiste con pia attenzione alla sacra predicazione della parola di Dio.Si concede poi l'indulgenza plenaria al fedele che, ascoltate alcune prediche delle sacre Missioni, assiste inoltre alla solenne conclusione delle medesime.
Prima Communio (Prima Comunione) Si concede l'indulgenza plenaria ai fedeli che si accostano per la prima volta alla S. Comunione o che assistono alla pia cerimonia della prima Comunione.
Prima Missa neosacerdotum (Prima Messa dei neosacerdoti) Si concede l'indulgenza plenaria al sacerdote che celebra la prima Messa con una certa solennità e ai fedeli che devotamente assistono alla medesima Messa.
unitate Pro Ecclesiae oratio (prayer for the unity of the Church) O Almighty and merciful God who, through you Son, you wanted to unite the different nations into one people, and grant favorable that those who glory in the Christian name, overcome every division, may be one in truth and charity, and all men, enlightened by true faith, can meet in fellowship in the one Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Recollectio menstruate (monthly retreat) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who participate in the monthly retreat.
Requiem aeternam (Eternal rest) Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen.Indulgenza only partially applicable to the souls in Purgatory.
pay dignity, Domine (worthy of reward, Lord) deign to reward you, Lord, with eternal life all those who do us good for your sake. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Rosario Marialis recitatio (Recitation of the Rosary) will be granted a plenary indulgence if you recite the rosary in a church or public oratory or in the family, a religious community, in a pious association, instead it gives the 'indulgence in other circumstances. The Rosary is a practice of piety, in which the recita di quindici decadi di "Ave, o Maria", intercalate dal "Padre nostro", si unisce rispettivamente la pia meditazione di altrettanti misteri della nostra redenzione- (dal Brev. Rom.). Tuttavia si usa chiamare "Rosario" anche la terza parte di questo. Per l'indulgenza plenaria si stabiliscono queste norme: E' sufficiente la recita della sola terza parte del Rosario; ma le cinque decadi devono recitarsi senza interruzione. All'orazione vocale si deve aggiungere la pia meditazione dei misteri. Nella pubblica recita i misteri devono essere enunciati secondo l'approvata consuetudine vigente nel luogo; invece nella recita privata è sufficiente che il fedele aggiunga all'orazione vocale la meditazione dei misteri. Presso gli Orientali, dove questa devotion is not in use, the Patriarchs can determine other prayers to be recited in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary (such as the Byzantines at the office or the anthem Akathistos Paraclesis), which will enjoy the same indulgences of the Rosary.
Sacerdotalis ordinationis celebrationes iubilares (Jubilee Celebrations of priestly) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the priest in the 25th, 50th and 60th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood before God renews the determination to fulfill faithfully the obligations vocazione.Se the priest of his celebrated with a certain solemnity to the Jubilee Mass, the faithful who attend Mass said, they acquire a plenary indulgence.
Sacrae Scripturae lectio (reading of Sacred Scripture) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who read sacred Scripture with the veneration due to God's word and way of spiritual reading. If the reading continues at least for half an hour will be the plenary indulgence.
Salve Regina Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of mercy, life, our sweetness and our hope, hail. To you, we banished children of Eve; you groan groaning and weeping in this valley of tears. Come now therefore, advocate, we turn to your eyes of mercy. And after this our exile show us Jesus, the blessed fruit of thy womb. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Maria.Indulgenza partial.
Sancta Maria, succurre miseris (Santa Maria, help the poor) Holy Mary, succor the afflicted, help the weak, comfort the afflicted, pray for the people, intervene for the clergy, intercede for the holy women feel the your protection, all the ones you onorano.Indulgenza partial.
Sancti Apostoli Petre et Paule (Saints Peter and Paul) Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, intercede for us. Protect, O Lord, thy people, and always defend those who trust in the patronage of Saints Peter and Paul. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Sanctorum cultus (Cult of the Saints) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful, the feast of a saint, says in his honor on the prayer of the Missal or another approved by lawful authority.
Signum Crucis (Sign of the Cross) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly made the sign of the cross, uttering the words second habit: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Stationalium Ecclesiarum Urbis Visitatio (Visit of the Churches of Rome stational) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who, in the days of the year designated in the Roman Missal devoutly visit one of the Churches of Rome stational, the indulgence will instead Plenary if he participates in the sacred functions that are performed in the morning or evening.
Sub tuum praesidium (Under your protection) your protection we take refuge, O Holy Mother of God did not want to reject the prayers that you turn in necessities, but deliver us always from all dangers, glorious and blessed Virgin. partial indulgence.
Synodus dioecesana (Diocesan Synod) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful that during the time of the Diocesan Synod, devoutly visit the church destined for the seats and we pray the Our Father and a Creed.
Tantum ergo adore so much they fell down Sacramento; riticedano the old way to the new rite of the faith suppliscaall'insufficienza sensi.Al Father and Figliosia to praise and joy, health, honor, power and blessing, and is equal homage to the Spirit proceeds from both Santocono. Amen .- You have given them the bread that came down from heaven - which carries all dolcezza.Preghiamo. O God, who in this wonderful Sacrament left us the memory of Thy Passion: grant us to worship the holy mystery of Your Body and Your Blood, so we always hear the fruit of your redemption, you who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.Si grant indulgence to the faithful who piously recites these verses. The plenary indulgence will instead be on Holy Thursday and the Feast of Corpus Christi, where this is done solemnly states.
Te DeumSi concede l'indulgenza parziale al fedele che recita l'inno Te Deum. L'indulgenza sarà invece plenaria se l'inno viene recitato pubblicamente nell'ultimo giorno dell'anno.
Veni, CreatorSi concede l'indulgenza parziale al fedele che devotamente recita l'inno Veni, Creator. L'indulgenza sarà invece plenaria nel primo giorno dell'anno e nella festa di Pentecoste se l'inno viene recitato pubblicamente.
Veni, Sancte Spiritus (Vieni, Santo Spirito) Vieni, Santo Spirito, riempi il cuore dei tuoi fedeli e accendi in essi il fuoco del tuo amore.Indulgenza parziale.
Viae Crucis exercitium (Esercizio della Via Crucis) Si concede l'indulgenza plenaria al fedele che compie il pio esercizio della Via Crucis.Il pio esercizio della Via Crucis rinnova il ricordo dei dolori che il divino Redentore patì nel tragitto dal pretorio di Pilato, dove fu condannato a morte, fino al monte Calvario, dove per la nostra salvezza morì in croce.Per l'acquisto dell'indulgenza plenaria valgono le seguenti norme:- il pio esercizio deve essere compiuto dinanzi alle stazioni della Via Crucis legittimamente erette.- per l'erezione della Via Crucis occorrono quattordici croci, alle quali si sogliono utilmente aggiungere altrettanti quadri o immagini, che rappresentano le stazioni di Gerusalemme.- secondo la più comune consuetudine, il pio esercizio consta di quattordici pie letture, alle quali si aggiungono alcune preghiere vocali. Tuttavia for the accomplishment of the pious exercise requires only a meditation on the Passion and Death of the Lord, no need to make a special consideration on the individual mysteries of the stations .- need to move from one station to another. If the pious exercise is done publicly and the movement of all those present can not be done in an orderly fashion, just goes to each station at least, who directs the practice of piety, while others remain in place .- the "impediment" may purchase the same indulgence, devoting at least half an hour to pious reading and meditation on the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ .- at the Oriental, where there is the use of this pious exercise, the Patriarchs can determine, for the purchase of this indulgence , another pious exercise in memory of the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Visit, quaesumus Domine (Visit, we beseech you, Lord) Visit, we beseech thee O Lord, this house and scacciane all the snares of the enemy. Your holy angels dwell there to keep us in peace, and your blessing be always upon us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.Indulgenza partial.
Visitatio ecclesiae paroecialis (Visit the parish church) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful who devoutly visit the parochial church: - Holder of the party - on 2 August, which marks the indulgence of "Porziuncola" . Both indulgences can be bought on the day or above, or on another day to be determined by the ordinary second fedeli.La the usefulness of the cathedral and, where applicable, the co-cathedral church, even if they are not parochial, and also the quasi-parish church, enjoy the same indulgences. In pious visit in accordance with Rule 16 of the Apostolic Constitution, the faithful must recite an Our Father and a Creed.
Visitatio ecclesiae vel Altaris consecrationis day (Visit a church or altar on the day of consecration) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful who devoutly visit a church or altar on the day of their consecration and I pray the Father Ours is a creed.
Visitatioo ecclesiae vel oratorii in Commemoratione omnium fidelium defunctorum (Visita di una chiesa od un oratorio nella Commemorazione di tutti i fedeli defunti) Si concede l'indulgenza plenaria, applicabile soltanto alle anime del Purgatorio, ai fedeli che, nel giorno in cui si celebra la Commemorazione di tutti i fedeli defunti, piamente visitano una chiesa o un oratorio pubblico, oppure semipubblico per coloro che legittimamente lo usano.La predetta indulgenza si può acquistare nel giorno sopra stabilito o, col consenso dell'Ordinario, la Domenica antecedente o susseguente, oppure nella festa di Tutti i Santi.Nella pia visita, in conformità alla Norma 16 della Costituzione Apostolica, il fedele deve recitare un Padre Nostro e un Credo.
Visitatio ecclesiae vel oratorios Religiosorum die festo Sancti Fundatoris (Visit a church or an oratory of Religious on the Feast of the Holy Founder) will be granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful who devoutly visit a church or oratory of a religious festival in their holy Founder and I pray the Our Father and a Creed.
Visitatio pastoralis (Pastoral Visit) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful who devoutly visit a church or a public or semi-public oratory, while she performs a pastoral visit, and granting a plenary indulgence to those who during a pastoral visit, to attend a function presided over by the Visitor.
Votorum baptismalium renovatio (Renewal of baptismal vows) partial indulgence is granted to the faithful with any formula that renews the baptismal vows, the plenary indulgence will instead if the renewal is made in celebration of the Easter Vigil or on the anniversary of his baptism.